Summer 2025 Humanities S1123 section 002



Call Number 10286
Day & Time
MW 1:00pm-4:10pm
To be announced
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Ruth Opara
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description Equivalent to MUSI F1123 and C1123. Part of the Core Curriculum since 1947, Music Humanities aims to instill in students a basic comprehension of the many forms of the Western musical imagination. Its specific goals are to awaken and encourage in students an appreciation of music in the Western world, to help them learn to respond intelligently to a variety of musical idioms, and to engage them in the various debates about the character and purposes of music that have occupied composers and musical thinkers since ancient times. The course attempts to involve students actively in the process of critical listening, both in the classroom and in concerts that the students attend and write about. The extraordinary richness of musical life in New York is thus an integral part of the course. Although not a history of Western music, the course is taught in a chronological format and includes masterpieces by Josquin des Prez, Monteverdi, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Verdi, Wagner, Schoenberg, and Stravinsky, among others. No previous knowledge of music required. Columbia University undergraduates who need this course for graduation are encouraged to register during early registration.
Web Site Vergil
Subterm 05/27-07/03 (A)
Department Summer Session (SUMM)
Enrollment 15 students (15 max) as of 9:05PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Status Full
Subject Humanities
Number S1123
Section 002
Division Summer Session
Section key 20252HUMA1123S002