Call Number | 10643 |
Day & Time Location |
W 2:10pm-4:00pm 302 ALFRED LERNE |
Points | 4 |
Grading Mode | Standard |
Approvals Required | Department |
Instructor | Tracey Holland |
Type | SEMINAR |
Method of Instruction | In-Person |
Course Description | This course aims to introduce students to human rights research methods, while providing them with practical research tools. The course will be tailored to students’ interests, disciplinary backgrounds and research areas. The specific topics students will research and the methods they will employ will determine the substantive focus of readings. During the course we will ask the following questions: ‘what is human rights research?, how do you carry out research in an interdisciplinary field?, what distinguishes academic research from applied research and advocacy? While answering these questions, you will become familiar with the literature on human rights methodologies, and you will engage in analysis and critical assessment of important human rights research literature. In addition, the course gives a practical approach to research methodology. You will learn about a diverse set of methodologies, such as interviewing and focus groups, archival research, ethnographic and participant observation, interviewing focus groups, conducting online research; interpretive and non-empirical methods and basic quantitative methodologies to be employed in the study of human rights. As you learn about different methodological approaches, you will develop your own research project. Scholars and practitioners in the field of human rights research will present their work and engage in discussions with students about their own research, challenges, successes and publication venues. NB: This course is geared towards students who commit to writing a senior thesis. It is part of a two-course sequence: HRTS UN3994 Section 001 Human Rights Senior Seminar: Research Methods in the fall and HRTS UN3996 Human Rights Thesis Seminar in the spring. Students who do not intend to write a thesis should enroll in HRTS UN3995 section 001 Human Rights Senior Seminar, which is a one-semester course taught each semester focused on writing a seminar paper. |
Web Site | Vergil |
Department | Institute for Study of Human Rights |
Enrollment | 10 students (20 max) as of 4:06PM Friday, March 28, 2025 |
Subject | Human Rights |
Number | UN3994 |
Section | 001 |
Division | Interfaculty |
Open To | Columbia College, General Studies |
Section key | 20243HRTS3994W001 |