Fall 2024 Health Policy and Management P8201 section 001

SAS Insights for CEOR

Call Number 15718
Day & Time
R 8:30am-11:20am
LL107 Armand Hammer Health Sciences Center
Points 1.5
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructors Yongmei Huang
Amina Williams
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Data is most useful when it can tell a story. Health analytics merges technologies and skills used to deliver business, clinical and programmatic insights into the complex components that drive medical outcomes, costs and oversight. By focusing on business intelligence and developing tools to evaluate clinical procedures, devices, and programs, organizations can use comparative and outcomes data to strengthen financial performance. This information can improve the way healthcare is evaluatedand delivered for better outcomes across the spectrum of health industries.


In this course, students will learn SAS as a tool to manipulate and analyze healthcare data and begin to understand what clinical and public health interventions work best for improving health, for example. Students will learn how to organize and analyze data to inform the practices of healthcare providers and policymakers to make evidence-based resource allocation decisions.Comparative & Effectiveness Outcomes Research (CEOR) certificate students will take this course inpreparation for the capstone class.SAS basics (e.g., creating SAS datasets and new variables, sorting, merging, reporting) and advanced statistics (e.g., using a logistical regression to create propensity scores for matched cohort analyses) will be covered.

Web Site Vergil
Department Health Policy & Management
Enrollment 15 students (34 max) as of 3:06PM Monday, February 17, 2025
Subject Health Policy and Management
Number P8201
Section 001
Division School of Public Health
Note Priorities: Priority given to CEOR certificate students.
Section key 20243HPMN8201P001