Fall 2024 Health Policy and Management P6545 section 001

Analytics and Managerial Decision-Making


Call Number 15726
Day & Time
W 8:30am-11:20am
LL204 Armand Hammer Health Sciences Center
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Alan D Weinberg
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description Analytics and Managerial Decision-Making I is the first of two required quantitative methods courses taken in sequence by all MHA students. These courses are foundational to the MHA curriculum. The two courses are fully integrated with respect to materials, exercises and cases, and by a two-term, team-based application project.

Managers are continually confronted with the need to make significant decisions concerning the organizational and financial performance of a health organization, based on a combination of strategic intention, practical experience, and interpretation and application of complex data and information. Data analysis is one tool that supports such decision-making. This course is designed to provide management students with the tools to generate and present data-driven and model-based management recommendations that are meaningful and implementable.

The course focuses on learning basic tools for the collection, analysis, and presentation of data in support of managerial/executive decision-making. Topics will include introductory data and statistical exploration from basic descriptive statistics to population and market estimation, comparison testing and decision-making, sampling design and analysis, and predicting/forecasting using linear regression. Using Excel as an additional tool, the course develops analytical skills to prepare managers to make and to present informed decisions in the overall healthcare sector.
Web Site Vergil
Department Health Policy & Management
Enrollment 41 students (50 max) as of 9:06PM Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Subject Health Policy and Management
Number P6545
Section 001
Division School of Public Health
Section key 20243HPMN6545P001