Spring 2023 History UN3386 section 001

The Global First World War

The Global First World Wa

Call Number 11200
Day & Time
T 4:10pm-6:00pm
311 Fayerweather
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required Instructor
Instructor Susan Pedersen
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

The First World War has often been thought of as a European War, but it was fought on four continents and reverberated around the world.  This course examines the global nature and impact of the war, paying particular attention to the way it destabilized or affected imperial, national, and ethnic/racial solidarities and hierarchies, and ushered in new transnational norms, hazards, movements and practices.  Students will read selected recent historical work on the war, and will delve into and contextualize a wide array of primary materials:  diplomatic treaties or declarations; collective petitions or claims; combatants’ diaries; observer accounts; official and humanitarian investigations; and novels, poetry, photography, and paintings.  This seminar will function as a collaboration among its members, with the aim of producing not only individual work but a handbook of primary materials for a lecture-course version of the course which will be offered as a Global Core in 2023-4.

Web Site Vergil
Department History
Enrollment 14 students (15 max) as of 5:08PM Saturday, September 7, 2024
Subject History
Number UN3386
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Campus Morningside
Note See SSOL instructions on how to apply for course
Section key 20231HIST3386W001