Spring 2025 History UN2353 section 001

Shadow of the Sun King: Early Modern Fra

Early Modern France

Call Number 13642
Day & Time
TR 4:10pm-5:25pm
310 Fayerweather
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Charly J Coleman
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This course will offer a survey of French history from the Wars of Religion to the Revolution, when the kingdom was the predominant power in Europe. Topics to be addressed include the rise of the Bourbon monarchy, the crystallization of absolutism as a political theology, the spectacular rise and collapse of John Law’s financial system, the emergence of the philosophe movement during the Enlightenment, and the gradual de-legitimation of royal power through its association with despotism. Thematically, the course will focus on shifting logics of representation—that is, the means by which political, economic, and religious power was not only reflected, but also generated and projected, through a range of interrelated practices that include Catholic liturgy, courtly protocols, aristocratic codes of honor, financial experimentation, and the critical styles of thinking and reading inculcated by the nascent public sphere.

Web Site Vergil
Department History
Enrollment 21 students (70 max) as of 9:05PM Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Subject History
Number UN2353
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Section key 20251HIST2353W001