Summer 2025 Greek, Modern OC3936 section 001

Columbia Summer Global Core: The Athens

Global Core: Athens Exper

Call Number 11064
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Dimitris Antoniou
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

GRKM3936OC​ Hellenism and the Topographical Imagination, 3 points. 

Instructor: Dimitris Antoniou, Associate Research Scholar and Lecturer in Hellenic Studies,
Department of Classics and Associate Director, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Public Humanities

Columbia Summer Global Core: The Athens Experience examines the way particular spaces—cultural, urban, literary—serve as sites for the production and reproduction of cultural and political imaginaries. It places particular emphasis on nationalism and the theme of the polis (the city) as well as on spatial representations of and responses to notions of the Hellenic across time. What understandings of Greek culture, society, and environment emerge from cartography, scientific expeditions, archaeological excavations, and, more recently, economic and artistic commissions? In what ways does the idea of crisis (economic, environmental, public health) shape understandings of Greek everyday life and cultural production today? We will engage in a historically informed study of the “right now” and learn through collaborative work, cross-media exploration, and a project-based approach. The program will be structured around the Global Core course  Hellenism and the Topographical Imagination and will consist of classroom seminars centered on the study and discussion of texts, films, and cultural artifacts; site visits, fieldtrips, and walking tours; and workshop sessions, all of which will prepare students for this year’s final project—curating a permanent exhibition in the new Athens Global Center examining the neoclassical building’s important place in the capital’s cultural and political life.

To enroll in this course, you must apply to the Columbia Summer Global Core: The Athens Experience program through the Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement (UGE). Global Learning Scholarships available. Tuition charges apply.

Please note the program dates are different from the Summer Sessions Terms. Visit the&nbs

Web Site Vergil
Department Global Programs
Enrollment 0 students (20 max) as of 9:05PM Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Subject Greek, Modern
Number OC3936
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Section key 20252GRKM3936S001