Call Number | 00376 |
Day & Time Location |
TR 11:40am-12:55pm 119 MILSTEIN CEN |
Points | 3 |
Grading Mode | Pass/Fail |
Approvals Required | None |
Instructor | Camilla Sturm |
Type | SEMINAR |
Course Description | “It has a mind of its own,” we shriek as the TV channels change without our input or the garage door opens when no one is home. Things can spark joy, grant authority, lead to our demise, and reveal our deepest secrets. They mediate social relationships, define political alliances, and provide economic opportunities. Sometimes it is not the presence of things but their absence – a misplaced phone, an expired passport, a childhood home – that more keenly shapes our reality. While people make objects, objects also make people. This class will investigate the secret life of stuff, from maps to cups and buildings to body parts, to explore how inanimate objects can be seen to have an agency and power of their own. Our discussions will draw on a wide array of authors from a variety of fields, including Bill Brown, Martin Heidigger, Anni Albers, Neel Ahuja, Katherine Ott, Bruno Latour, Donna Haraway, and Anna Tsing. To accompany these texts, we will also turn to other, less traditional sources of information, from podcasts to museum exhibits and our own personal histories with things.
Web Site | Vergil |
Department | First-Year Seminar Program @Barnard |
Enrollment | 16 students (16 max) as of 9:05PM Wednesday, March 12, 2025 |
Subject | First-Year Seminar |
Number | BC1758 |
Section | 001 |
Division | Barnard College |
Open To | Barnard College |
Note | Barnard 1st Year Students Only |
Section key | 20251FYSB1758X001 |