Fall 2024 First-Year Seminar BC1598 section 001

Building Utopia


Call Number 00598
Day & Time
MW 10:10am-11:25am
405 Barnard Hall
Points 3
Grading Mode Pass/Fail
Approvals Required None
Instructor Ralph Ghoche
Course Description

Building Utopia explores the rich tradition of utopian thinking across literature, social philosophy, architecture, and the visual arts. Here, utopia is examined in its modern form: as a call to transform the world through human planning and ingenuity. Aside from a vital excursion on Thomas More's pivotal novel Utopia (1516), the course focuses on nineteenth- and twentieth-century thinkers whose often wild and idealistic imaginings profoundly affected the shape of the real world. Students will delve into the works of Marie Howland, Edward Bellamy, the Italian Futurists, and Le Corbusier, among many others. The purpose of the course is to better understand the role that the utopian imagination has played in the construction of power.

Web Site Vergil
Department First-Year Seminar Program @Barnard
Enrollment 16 students (16 max) as of 8:05PM Monday, February 10, 2025
Subject First-Year Seminar
Number BC1598
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Note Barnard 1st Year Students Only
Section key 20243FYSB1598X001