Spring 2025 Finance B8767 section 001

Investing in Social Ventures

Investing in Social Ventu

Call Number 16621
Day & Time
R 2:20pm-5:35pm
620 Kravis Hall
Points 1.5
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructors Reena V Mithal
Vikas Raj
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description This half semester course provides students with the opportunity to perform due diligence on early-stage social ventures
(nonprofit and for-profit ventures with a social or environmental mission). This course is designed for MBA students
interested in impact investing, social entrepreneurship, or philanthropy. The objective of the course is for students to
learn both the theory of investing in early-stage social ventures and the practice of evaluating early-stage social ventures
through a due diligence process. This course is not designed for the evaluation of larger, well-established social

Students are placed in teams to evaluate social entrepreneurs from the Columbia University community who have applied
for funding from the Tamer Fund for Social Ventures. The course is a combination of in-class lectures and discussion, and
practical application of class lessons outside of the classroom. Major topics covered include: the due diligence process,
assessing venture pitches and teams, due diligence in emerging markets, due diligence of non-profits, impact
measurement and management, and valuations and deal structure.

During the course, each student team completes detailed due diligence on their assigned social venture, including
diligence on applicants, the social venture and the sector. The course concludes with student teams submitting a written
due diligence report and a recommendation for funding to the Investment Board of the Tamer Fund for Social Ventures.
Web Site Vergil
Department Finance
Enrollment 74 students (74 max) as of 9:06AM Monday, February 10, 2025
Subject Finance
Number B8767
Section 001
Division School of Business
Open To Business, Engineering:Graduate, Journalism
Section key 20251FINC8767B001