Fall 2024 Finance B8463 section 001

Residential Real Estate: Dirt, Debt, And

Residential Real Estate

Call Number 16880
Day & Time
F 10:50am-12:20pm
890 Kravis Hall
Day & Time
MW 10:50am-12:20pm
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Brian P Lancaster
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description The course’s objective is to teach the student how to develop, value, finance, and invest in residential real estate and residential real estate debt securities and derivatives as well as to understand how the US residential financing system works. Given its’ broad and deep sweep, students will learn about a wide range of topics ranging from the importance of fits and finishes in selling homes in a new subdivision, to how to entitle land, to how blockchain is being used to disrupt the mortgage origination process, to how to create an Agency residential CMO companion bond and a lot more. A range of housing types will be covered including: single family subdivisions, market rate urban condominiums, low and moderate income housing, workforce and student housing, manufactured housing, and senior residential living
communities, and rental apartments. At the end of the course we will also focus on racism and real estate.

The course is recommended for Columbia Business School MBA, EMBA, PhD and MSc financial engineering students who
wish to understand these markets better or who want to pursue careers or side businesses in developing and/or buying
residential types of real estate, and/or who wish to trade, sell, research, or institutionally invest in residential real estate
securities and derivatives. Cross registrants from SIPA, the School of Engineering, Law and Journalism schools who want
to better understand how housing development and the US housing finance system works are also welcome.
Web Site Vergil
Department Finance
Enrollment 72 students (74 max) as of 11:36PM Thursday, March 13, 2025
Subject Finance
Number B8463
Section 001
Division School of Business
Open To Business, Journalism
Section key 20243FINC8463B001