Spring 2024 Finance B8433 section 001


Call Number 14592
Day & Time
W 2:20pm-5:35pm
Points 1.5
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructors Anouk Dey
Jeffrey W Mueller
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This will be a demanding class meant for the student intent on entering the investment management
industry post-graduation. As such, only students who demonstrate a compelling interest in professional
investment management will be admitted, and admission will be limited to 12 students to ensure quality of
experience for all involved. This seminar is not open to the bidding process and no auditors will be
allowed. Please see the below for details on admittance.
The key to equity wealth creation is hiding in plain sight. Since 1926, a mere four percent of stocks have
generated all the wealth in the US stock market1. We call these unique companies “compounders.”2
With the exception of a few magic market companies (Facebook, Google), the vast majority of
compounders achieve this distinction in two acts. One product in one market, in most cases, is simply not
enough to become a durable and sustainable large-cap company. A second act is usually an adjacent
product or market. Think of Netflix transitioning from in-home DVD rental to streaming, or Grubhub
moving from marketplace to first party delivery, or Vail Mountain Resorts translating its subscription
season pass into an acquisition platform.
Compounders is a class dedicated entirely to the exploration of these companies. We will start off with an
examination of their core characteristics and life-cycle. We will then delve more deeply into four
compounder patterns, illustrated with case studies and brought to life by the executives who led these
companies to this rare distinction.
Students will be paired with experienced investors and, over the course of the class, will study six recent
compounders with the goal of extracting contemporary patterns that may help us to identify the future
drivers of equity wealth creation. The goal of the class is to understand compounder patterns: what are
the people, processes and systems that allow small companies to become durable and sustainable large
companies over time?

Web Site Vergil
Department Finance
Enrollment 12 students (13 max) as of 9:05PM Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Subject Finance
Number B8433
Section 001
Division School of Business
Open To Business
Section key 20241FINC8433B001