Fall 2024 Finance B5301 section 001

Foundations of Valuations

Call Number 16918
Points 1.5
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Haran Segram
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Foundations of valuation is an introductory finance course required for all MBA students. It is designed to cover those areas of finance that are important to all managers, whether they specialize in finance or not. At the end of the course, you will be familiar with the most common financial instruments (stocks, bonds, options) and the methods to value them. More specifically, we will cover the following topics:

1. General framework for valuation (present value formula)
2. Bond and bond valuation (spot rates, yield to maturity, duration, convexity)
3. Stocks (stock valuation, dividend growth model)
4. Basic concepts of risk and return and the CAPM
5. Options (Black-Scholes formula)

The course will be a mix of lectures and cases. Students are expected to come prepared to class since the course relies on several in-class exercises students will solve in excel.

Web Site Vergil
Department Finance
Enrollment 41 students (74 max) as of 9:05PM Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Subject Finance
Number B5301
Section 001
Division School of Business
Section key 20243FINC5301B001