Fall 2024 Film AF5200 section 001


Call Number 13806
Day & Time
W 9:30am-12:30pm
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required Department
Instructor Bette Gordon
Method of Instruction Hybrid 20-79
Course Description

Weekly lectures will introduce film grammar, textual analysis, staging, the camera as narrator, pre-visualization, shot progression, directorial style, working with actors and editing. Lectures by all members of the full time directing faculty anchor the class, highlighting a range of directorial approaches with additional lectures on the techniques and aesthetics of editing. Each lecture will be supported by visual material from master film directors as well as the examples of the short films students will be required to produce in their first two semesters. For the final 7 weeks of the term, a student fellow will be available to mentor students through the planning of their 3-5 films.

Web Site Vergil
Department Film
Enrollment 66 students (72 max) as of 11:33PM Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Subject Film
Number AF5200
Section 001
Division School of the Arts
Fee $50 Film Course Fee
Note For 1st year MFA Film students Only.
Section key 20243FILM5200R001