Spring 2024 Epidemiology P9494 section 001

Publications, Presentations, and Scienti


Call Number 17274
Day & Time
R 3:00pm-5:50pm
To be announced
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Lauren C Houghton
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description This course is organized as a writing seminar/workshop focused on practical writing and oral presentation skills. Students will identify for themselves an empirically-based manuscript or in-depth literature review on which they will work throughout the semester. Specific portions of the writing project will be completed on a regular basis and will be reviewed and critiqued by fellow students and the instructor. Students also will write a draft Specific Aims for a research proposal related to their manuscript topic and make an oral presentation based on the manuscript. Didactic presentations and discussions will focus on the structure of manuscripts, presentations, and grants; writing and presentation challenges and strategies to address them; and other aspects of manuscript preparation (e.g., choosing a journal). Limited to 1st year Epi Doctoral students.
Web Site Vergil
Department Epidemiology
Enrollment 9 students (15 max) as of 4:05PM Saturday, December 21, 2024
Subject Epidemiology
Number P9494
Section 001
Division School of Public Health
Open To GSAS, Public Health
Section key 20241EPID9494P001