Fall 2024 Epidemiology P8471 section 001

Social Epidemiology


Call Number 15701
Day & Time
W 1:00pm-3:50pm
LL210 Armand Hammer Health Sciences Center
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Lisa Bates
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description This course focuses on the branch of epidemiology concerned with how social arrangements, processes, and interactions shape the population distribution of health and disease and produce social inequalities in health. The sub-discipline of social epidemiology has grown dramatically in the past decade and, while still evolving as an interdisciplinary enterprise, it is now an established field of etiologic inquiry, both incorporating and influencing the conventional theories, methods, and principles of epidemiology. This course will familiarize students with the key theories, concepts, methods, findings, and ongoing debates in social epidemiology. Through lectures, readings, and discussion we will review the major social determinants of health, the theories and empirical evidence with respect to how social conditions “get under the skin,” and the methodological challenges involved in measuring social phenomena and making causal inferences about the relationship between social factors and health. By the end of the course students will understand the theoretical, substantive, and methodological parameters of this growing sub-discipline of epidemiologic inquiry, and be able to evaluate both its strengths and limitations.
Web Site Vergil
Department Epidemiology
Enrollment 20 students (20 max) as of 9:05AM Thursday, January 2, 2025
Subject Epidemiology
Number P8471
Section 001
Division School of Public Health
Open To GSAS, Public Health
Section key 20243EPID8471P001