Spring 2025 English PS0005 section 002


Call Number 11443
Day & Time
MTR 9:10am-11:25am
To be announced
Points 0
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This course helps students whose first language is not English develop their academic writing skills. The course covers essay structure, rhetoric, grammatical accuracy, paraphrasing, citing sources, critical thinking, and editing/revising work.

The course is thematic: you will explore different topics and themes (current affairs, social issues, etc.) by reading, listening, and discussing material, and then write essays about that material. The instructors will provide extensive feedback to help you edit and revise your own writing.

Web Site Vergil
Department American Language Program
Enrollment 0 students (11 max) as of 12:06PM Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Subject English
Number PS0005
Section 002
Division School of Professional Studies: American Language Program
Open To ALP
Fee $45 Instruction Suppor
Section key 20251ENGL0005Z002