Fall 2024 English BC3159 section 003


Call Number 00536
Day & Time
R 4:10pm-6:00pm
To be announced
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Atefeh Akbari Shahmirzadi
Course Description Prerequisites: Enrollment limited to Barnard English majors. In the Renaissance colloquium we will examine English and European imaginative and intellectual life from the sixteenth to mid-seventeenth centuries. Defined by humanism, the Protestant Reformation, and revolution, this was a period of ideological struggle on many levels. Long-held ways of ordering the world came under increasing strain-and sometimes ruptured irreparably. Writers discussed and debated the aims of human knowledge, retooled old literary forms for new purposes, scrambled to take account of an expanded awareness of the globe, and probed the tension between belief and doubt. Throughout this process, they experimented with new literary styles to express their rapidly changing worldviews. This is an intensive course in which we will take multiple approaches to a variety of authors that may include Petrarch, Erasmus, Machiavelli, Castiglione, More, Rabelais, Luther, Calvin, Montaigne, Spenser, Bacon, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Milton, and Behn, among others.
Web Site Vergil
Department English @Barnard
Enrollment 13 students (12 max) as of 10:06AM Sunday, June 2, 2024
Status Full
Subject English
Number BC3159
Section 003
Division Barnard College
Campus Barnard College
Section key 20243ENGL3159X003