Fall 2024 English GR6998 section 002

Graduate Lecture

Drama Before Shakespeare

Call Number 14200
Day & Time
MW 8:40am-9:55am
413 Kent Hall
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Alan Stewart
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

ENGL 6998 GR is a twin listings of an undergraduate English lecture provided to graduate students for graduate credit. If a graduate student enrolls, she/he/they attends the same class as the undergraduate students (unless otherwise directed by the instructor). Each instructor determines additional work for graduate students to complete in order to receive graduate credit for the course. Please refer to the notes section in SSOL for the corresponding (twin) undergraduate 1000 or 2000 level course and follow that course's meeting day & time and assigned classroom. Instructor permission is required to join.

Web Site Vergil
Department English and Comparative Literature
Enrollment 2 students (10 max) as of 4:05PM Saturday, December 21, 2024
Subject English
Number GR6998
Section 002
Division Interfaculty
Open To Architecture, Schools of the Arts, Engineering:Graduate, GSAS, SIPA
Section key 20243ENGL6998G002