Spring 2025 Executive MPA Program U6425 section 001

Communicating in Organizations

Call Number 11267
Day & Time
R 6:10pm-8:00pm
402B International Affairs Building
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Joann P Baney
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Priority Reg: Executive MPA. Communicating in Organizations is a survey course that explores aspects of day-to-day managerial communication relating to presentations and other high-profile moments and more familiar elements of interpersonal communication. The course uses many teaching techniques: short lectures, individual and group exercises, video-recorded presentations, role plays, case discussions, video clips, and writing assignments. It is highly experiential, with exercises or presentations scheduled in most sessions. Initially, we’ll focus on the communication skills and strategies that help you present your ideas to others.  I’ll ask you to do two benchmark assignments―a letter and a brief presentation―to assess the abilities you bring to the course. In several of our class sessions, you’ll be the one “in front of the room,” delivering either a prepared talk or brief, impromptu comments. Such assignments will allow you to develop your skills as a presenter.  I’ll also discuss the link between listening and speaking, showing you how developing your listening skills will improve your effectiveness as a speaker.  And we’ll explore several elements of visual communication, including how to design effective visual aids and written documents. To communicate effectively in such roles as coach, interviewer, negotiator, or facilitator, you need to be skilled at listening, questioning, observing behavior, and giving feedback.  We’ll practice each of these skills in-class exercises and assignments. The Social Style instrument will provide detailed feedback about how others view your communication style. You’ll discover how style differences may lead to miscommunication, missed opportunities, or mishandled conflict. 

Web Site Vergil
Department International and Public Affairs
Enrollment 23 students (20 max) as of 2:18PM Saturday, March 8, 2025
Subject Executive MPA Program
Number U6425
Section 001
Division School of International and Public Affairs
Open To Architecture, Schools of the Arts, Business, Engineering:Graduate, GSAS, SIPA, Journalism, Law, Public Health, Professional Studies, Social Work
Section key 20251EMPA6425U001