Spring 2025 Environmental Health Sciences P8304 section 001

Public Health Impacts of Climate Change


Call Number 15998
Day & Time
R 8:30am-11:20am
To be announced
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Lewis Ziska
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description Public health dimensions of climate change are of growing concern in both developing and developed countries. Climate-related health impacts may arise via heat waves, air pollution, airborne allergens, compromised ecological services, water- or vector-borne diseases, and shifts in agricultural productivity. Our ability to identify, understand, predict and ameliorate public health impacts of climate change will depend on how effectively we assimilate and synthesize information and tools from a range of disciplines, including atmospheric sciences, climate modeling, epidemiology, ecology, risk assessment, economics, and public policy. The overall objective of P8304, Public Health Impacts of Climate Change, is to lay a foundation for this cross-disciplinary perspective by engaging graduate students drawn from across the University in topical lectures, group exercises and discussions built around the emerging knowledge base on the public health dimensions of climate change.
Web Site Vergil
Department Environmental Health Sciences
Enrollment 14 students (35 max) as of 12:05PM Friday, December 27, 2024
Subject Environmental Health Sciences
Number P8304
Section 001
Division School of Public Health
Open To GSAS, Public Health
Note Priorities: Students in the Climate and Health Certificate a
Section key 20251EHSC8304P001