Spring 2025 Earth and Environmental Sciences BC3028 section 001

Volcanoes and the Environment


Call Number 00569
Day & Time
TR 1:10pm-2:25pm
To be announced
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Sedelia Rodriguez
Course Description

This course seeks to impart students with knowledge of volcanic eruptions on Earth and the effects on the environment as a whole. The course will focus on the physical mechanisms responsible for eruptions, the effects eruptions have on humans and other living organisms, as well as the environment. The course will investigate how eruptions have contributed to global climate change. The course will also look at the positive effects volcanoes have had on Earth, such as providing nutrient rich soils for growing crops and providing renewable geothermal energy--a cleaner energy resource. Format: lecture, field trip, data collection and analysis, student presentations.

Web Site Vergil
Department Environmental Sciences @Barnard
Enrollment 12 students (20 max) as of 12:06PM Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Subject Earth and Environmental Sciences
Number BC3028
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Open To Barnard College, Columbia College, General Studies
Note Prereq EESC UN2200 Solid Earth or Permission of the Instruct
Section key 20251EESC3028X001