Fall 2024 Earth and Environmental Sciences BC1001 section 001


Call Number 00061
Day & Time
TR 1:10pm-2:25pm
408 Zankel
Points 4.5
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Terryanne Maenza-Gmelch
Course Description

Prerequisites: Enrollment limited. Students must also sign up for the corresponding lab course, EESC BC1011, to receive credit.

This class examines the basic principles of environmental science using current local and global environmental news as case studies. Issues covered are climate change, invasive species, water resources, sustainability, etc. A major goal is for students to understand the science behind environmental issues. Readings from the scientific literature, various newspaper articles, magazines and an online textbook are carefully coordinated with the topics. Because of our location, the lab curriculum features studies of the Hudson River and its forested shorelines. The lab is closely paired with the lecture and features hands-on and inquiry-based lab and field studies of statistics, data presentation, writing in the format of a scientific paper, data collection (on land and on the Hudson River), water chemistry, microbiology, microscopic and macroscopic life in the river, birds and plants in Riverside Park, biodiversity on a green roof, local geology, topographical maps, compass use, and museum studies.

Please note:  In order to register for EESC BC1001, students must first register for one of the sections of Environmental Science Lab EESC BC1011 . Students must take both lecture and lab.

Web Site Vergil
Department Environmental Sciences @Barnard
Enrollment 97 students (100 max) as of 10:06AM Saturday, February 22, 2025
Subject Earth and Environmental Sciences
Number BC1001
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Open To Barnard College
Note Enroll in EESC BC1011 Lab sec first, THEN EESCBC1001 Waitlst
Section key 20243EESC1001X001