Fall 2024 Earth and Environmental Sciences UN3400 section 001


Call Number 17029
Day & Time
TR 1:10pm-2:25pm
558 EXT Schermerhorn Hall [SCH]
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Daniel Westervelt
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Prerequisites: Required: at least a semester of calculus and physics; any 1000-level or 2000-level EESC course. Computer models are essential for understanding the behavior of complex natural systems in geosciences. This course is an introduction to writing computer models to simulate Earth processes. Students will learn methods for numerical modeling of a variety of geoscience topics, such as nonlinear systems of air chemistry, ocean currents, atmospheric dispersion, and more. Simulations will be created by learning to program with a user-friendly language (Python). Student learning will be facilitated through a combination of lectures, in-class exercises, homework assignments and a final project on a student-selected topic.

Web Site Vergil
Department Earth and Environmental Sciences
Enrollment 11 students (15 max) as of 5:06PM Saturday, February 22, 2025
Subject Earth and Environmental Sciences
Number UN3400
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Section key 20243EESC3400W001