Fall 2024 Education BC3054 section 001


Call Number 00397
Day & Time
W 4:10pm-7:00pm
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Lisa Edstrom
Course Description What does it mean to be an excellent teacher? The Seminar in Secondary Multicultural Pedagogy will engage this question as you work to develop methods for teaching your subject(s) in ways that draw upon five specific domains of knowledge: knowledge of self, content, pedagogical methods, context, and students. You will be introduced to a variety of multicultural teaching approaches and develop ways to adapt them to your particular subject area and to the intellectual, social, and emotional needs of adolescent learners. Throughout the course, we will consider how to effectively differentiate instruction for and support ELL students and students with special needs. Seminar sessions will include discussions, presentations of lessons, group activities, and problem-solving issues teachers encounter in the classroom. We will explore culturally responsive approaches to: learning; learning standards; instruction and assessment; creating caring, democratic learning communities; selecting curriculum content, and engaging all students in learning. Assignments will ask you to reflect on the teaching/learning process in general, and on the particulars of teaching your academic discipline. We will accomplish this through lesson planning, practice teaching two mini-lessons, observing your peers teaching and offering feedback, and exploring stances and strategies for multicultural pedagogy in your content area.
Web Site Vergil
Department Education @Barnard
Enrollment 6 students (10 max) as of 5:06PM Monday, February 10, 2025
Subject Education
Number BC3054
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Section key 20243EDUC3054X001