Spring 2024 Education BC3051 section 001


Call Number 00540
Day & Time
M 11:00am-12:50pm
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Rachel Throop
Course Description This seminar serves as the capstone course for students pursuing the Education Studies minor/special concentration or the Urban Studies major/concentration with an Urban Education Specialization. The Seminar in Urban Education explores the historical, political and socio-cultural dynamics of urban education in the U.S. context. Over time, a range of social actors have intervened in the “problem” of urban education, attempting to reshape and reform urban schools. Others have disputed this “problem” focused approach, arguing that policy makers, teachers, and researchers should start from the strengths and capacities located in urban communities. Despite decades of wide ranging reform efforts, however, many urban schools still fail to provide their students with an adequate, equitable education. Seminar in Urban Education investigates this paradox by pursuing three central course questions: 1) How have various social actors tried to achieve equity in urban schools over time? 2) What are the range and variation of assets and challenges found in urban schools? and 3) Considering this history and context, what would effective reform in a global city like NYC look like? Students will engage these questions not only through course readings and seminar discussions, but through a 40-hour field placement in a New York City public school classroom, extra-curricular program, or other education based site.
Web Site Vergil
Department Education @Barnard
Enrollment 10 students (16 max) as of 10:05AM Thursday, January 30, 2025
Subject Education
Number BC3051
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Note Senior Ed. Studies minors/special concentrators only.
Section key 20241EDUC3051X001