Spring 2025 Dance BC3338 section 001


Call Number 00353
Day & Time
TR 11:40am-12:55pm
305 Barnard Hall
Points 2
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Colleen Thomas
Course Description

Prerequisites: Limited to twenty people. Examination of the gender-neutral partnering technique that is now common in contemporary dance. Focus is placed on recent improvisatory forms, sensation building, center connection and risk. Emphasis is placed on listening and sensing rather than controlling or leading.

This course will introduce the exploration of a partnering technique that is enriching for the mind and body. Contact Improvisation is not only an important tool for the dancer as it informs the body how to move with weight and connection and is required by most contemporary styles – it is also a technique that informs the artist in us all as it emphasizes listening, trust, and spontaneous creativity. In this course, students will use contact to support the creation of most duets, trios, and larger group dance.   Focus is placed on recent improvisatory forms, sensation building, center connection, and finding the safe edges of risk as well as applying these studies to creation and expression. Students in this course will explore their own weight and how it relates to other bodies by listening as well as employing emotional, psychological, and cultural structures to their improvisation. Emphasis is placed on listening and sensation rather than controlling or leading. Students will explore the dynamic ride and risk taking of improvisation and trusting another body by giving and taking weight. Contact Improvisation is open to all students.

Web Site Vergil
Department Dance @Barnard
Enrollment 25 students (30 max) as of 12:06PM Saturday, February 8, 2025
Subject Dance
Number BC3338
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Note Must attend first 2 classes. Placement contingent on level.
Section key 20251DNCE3338X001