Fall 2024 Ethnicity and Race, Center for Study of UN3942 section 001


Call Number 13936
Day & Time
W 2:10pm-4:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Bahia Munem
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description In this class we will approach race and racism from a variety of disciplinary and intellectual perspectives, including: critical race theory/philosophy, anthropology, history and history of science and medicine. We will focus on the development and deployment of the race concept since the mid-19th century. Students will come to understand the many ways in which race has been conceptualized, substantiated, classified, managed and observed in the (social) sciences, medicine, and public health. We will also explore the practices and effects of race (and race-making) in familiar and less familiar social and political worlds. In addition to the courses intellectual content, students will gain critical practice in the seminar format -- that is, a collegial, discussion-driven exchange of ideas.
Web Site Vergil
Department Ethnicity and Race, Center for
Enrollment 11 students (15 max) as of 4:06PM Thursday, March 13, 2025
Subject Ethnicity and Race, Center for Study of
Number UN3942
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Section key 20243CSER3942W001