Spring 2025 Comparative Literature & Society GU4356 section 001

Critical Cartographies

Call Number 19148
Day & Time
T 4:30pm-6:20pm
201 Casa Hispánica
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Bruno Bosteels
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

“Los cuatro puntos cardinales son tres: el norte y el sur,” the Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro
wrote with sharp humor in Altazor o el viaje en paracaídas (Altazor or the Voyage in a
Parachute): “The four cardinal points are three: North and South.” The North/South division is
not the only marker of spatial, geopolitical, economic, or ideological inequalities; several other
divides compete with it as the axis around which our global order is structured: West/the rest,
center/periphery, urban/rural, public/private, land/sea, common/enclosed, developed/developing,
colonial/postcolonial, without forgetting the old ideological divisions of First, Second, Third, and
Fourth Worlds. In response to such spatial divides, this course will explore a range of critical
attempts in art, literature, the social sciences and the theoretical humanities to map out the
unequal organization of the current world order. Studying concepts of so-called “primitive” or
“originary” accumulation, land appropriation, dispossession, uneven development, real
abstraction, and neo-extractivism with a particular focus on Latin America, we will circle back to
the question of how to imagine a cartography that might be critical of the current hegemonies
without increasing the worldwide zones of invisibility and inequality that sustain them.

Web Site Vergil
Department Comparative Literature and Society, Institute for
Enrollment 4 students (15 max) as of 4:06PM Thursday, January 30, 2025
Subject Comparative Literature & Society
Number GU4356
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Note Meeting in 201 Casa Hispnica
Section key 20251CPLS4356W001