Summer 2024 Computer Science W3134 section 001


Call Number 10354
Day & Time
MW 5:30pm-8:40pm
451 Computer Science Building
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Paul S Blaer
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Data types and structures: arrays, stacks, singly and doubly linked lists, queues, trees, sets, and graphs. Programming techniques for processing such structures: sorting and searching, hashing, garbage collection. Storage management. Rudiments of the analysis of algorithms. Taught in Java. Note: Due to significant overlap, students may receive credit for only one of the following three courses: COMS W3134, COMS W3136, COMS W3137.

Web Site Vergil
Subterm 07/01-08/09 (B)
Department Computer Science
Enrollment 30 students (99 max) as of 12:06PM Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Subject Computer Science
Number W3134
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Note CS Theory is not a co-requisite.
Section key 20242COMS3134W001