Summer 2024 Communication PS5160 section 001


Call Number 11658
Day & Time
MTRF 9:00am-5:00pm
103 Knox Hall
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Andrew Whitehouse
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This course is designed either for students who wish to embark on or further careers in politics and for those interested in exploring the dynamic field of political communication. Three themes anchor the course material: 1.) strategic communication, or deliberate and goal-oriented communication, which enables professionals to analyze and execute political strategy; 2.) message, which enables the crafting and critique of more or less effective political communication; and 3,) research, which political professionals use to formulate, shift and optimize their strategies.

Web Site Vergil
Department Strategic Communication
Enrollment 23 students (25 max) as of 4:05PM Saturday, December 21, 2024
Subject Communication
Number PS5160
Section 001
Division School of Professional Studies
Note Block 5/13-17. All SCOM & POAN; non-SCOM/POAN w prog approva
Section key 20242COMM5160K001