Fall 2024 Comparative Literature: English GU4575 section 001

Source Texts of Postcolonial Vision

Source Text of Postcoloni

Call Number 14170
Day & Time
W 2:10pm-4:00pm
609 Martin Luther King Building
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Gayatri C Spivak
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

We will read texts by Memmi, Du Bois, Marguerite Duras and North African feminists to create a gendered and class-sensitive sense of the origins of postcolonial thinking. We will draw a definition of postcolonial hope before the actual emergence of postcolonial nation-states. A 1-page response to the text to be read will be required the previous day. No midterm paper. The final paper will be an oral presentation in a colloquium. ICLS students will be expected to read Memmi in French. No incompletes. Admission by interview. 20% participation, 20% papers, 60% presentation.

Seminar Instructions: Interviews will be in August. Email Deeva Gupta dg3242@columbia.edu, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak gcs4@columbia.edu and Tomi Haxhi th2666@columbia.edu with the subject heading "Source Texts of Postcolonial Vision." In your message, include basic information: your name, school, major, year of study, and relevant courses taken, along with a brief statement about why you are interested in taking the course.

Web Site Vergil
Department English and Comparative Literature
Enrollment 11 students (18 max) as of 9:05PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Subject Comparative Literature: English
Number GU4575
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Note Application Required.
Section key 20243CLEN4575W001