Fall 2023 Chinese GU4014 section 001


Call Number 11630
Day & Time
MTR 9:10am-10:25am
606 Lewisohn Hall
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Yuan-Yuan Meng
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description Prerequisites: at least 3 years of intensive Chinese language training at college level and the instructor's permission. This advanced course is designed to specifically train students' listening and speaking skills in both formal and colloquial language through various Chinese media sources. Students view and discuss excerpts of Chinese TV news broadcasts, soap operas, and movie segments on a regular basis. Close reading of newspaper and internet articles and blogs supplements the training of verbal skills.
Web Site Vergil
Department East Asian Languages and Cultures
Enrollment 7 students (15 max) as of 10:06AM Sunday, June 2, 2024
Subject Chinese
Number GU4014
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Campus Morningside
Section key 20233CHNS4014W001