Fall 2023 Committee on Global Thought GR6320 section 001

Local/Global Worlds: Place-based Invest

Local / Global Worlds

Call Number 11116
Day & Time
R 10:10am-12:00pm
401 Hamilton Hall
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required Instructor
Instructor Kevin Funk
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

Even in the midst of resurging nationalism, we continue to live in an intensely interconnected world where distant protests trigger local action, local pathogens seed global pandemics, international maneuverings cause local wars, faraway wars bring migrants and refugees to one’s community, global finance reshapes cityscapes, and a mounting climate crisis creates new living conditions everywhere. While studies of “globalization” often take a birds-eye view of the impacts of global interconnectivity, this course focuses also on regions, localities, and our own communities, as we seek to make sense of how the spaces that exist all around us are implicated in, and generative of, various kinds of global flows, ranging from capital, goods, and people to ideas, cultural products, and aesthetic preferences. Our broader aim, then, is to understand how the mutual imbrication of the local and the global generates tendencies that simultaneously flatten space and accentuate disparate socio-spatial dynamics and inequalities. In turn, we will also hone methodologies for investigating the complex and uneven ways global phenomena continually reshape communities and individual lives.

This course is timely and urgent as the world confronts challenges that require coordination and collaboration at and between the local, regional, national, and global levels. This moment requires us to think locally and globally at the same time, as we endeavor to understand, define, and address global problems. To this end, students will collaborate on group research projects to develop comparative, transdisciplinary, and contextual perspectives on how global issues resonate across different geographical scales and to explore ways to address the challenges that confront the world.

Web Site Vergil
Department Committee on Global Thought
Enrollment 7 students (20 max) as of 4:06PM Thursday, February 6, 2025
Subject Committee on Global Thought
Number GR6320
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Section key 20233CGTH6320G001