Fall 2024 Business B7759 section 100

International Seminar: South A

International Seminar: So

Call Number 16942
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Stephan Meier
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description The objectives of this course are to learn some key lessons about starting and running an entrepreneurial company, and to learn about the state of entrepreneurship in South Africa. The essence of the course will be our guest speakers, through whom we will learn not only about their personal experiences and lessons, but about entrepreneurship in general. Our guest speakers will be South African entrepreneurs from a wide variety of business sizes and backgrounds. In addition, we will have guest speakers from the local government and the leading business school. There will be a hands on project to be done with local South African entrepreneurs that will require preparation before leaving for Cape Town and a report to follow afterward.
Web Site Vergil
Department Business
Enrollment 75 students (100 max) as of 10:06AM Saturday, February 22, 2025
Subject Business
Number B7759
Section 100
Division School of Business
Section key 20243BUSI7759B100