Fall 2024 Business B7758 section 100

International Seminar: Munich

International Seminar: Mu

Call Number 16912
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Bernd H Schmitt
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description Branding has become a hot topic. Many companies realize that they need to understand the financial value of their corporate brand and its products; manage brands strategically; and deliver implementations to customers that are relevant, differentiated and powerful to build an emotional bond and loyalty.This course shows you how this can be done. It familiarizes you with best practices in branding, from iPod and the launch of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty to successful branding initiatives in financial, pharmaceutical, consumer goods, entertainment and a wide range of other companies.We will focus on three topics: brand strategy and valuation; visual identity and experiential branding; and organizational branding issues. You will be asked to complete a couple of individual exercises and homeworks during the course and be part of a final group project. No midterm. No final.The course is unique in many ways. First, it will be fun. Second, just like the topic itself, you will learn how to combine analytical and strategic thinking with creative development of ideas and implementations. You will be exposed to lots of cases of successful and some unsuccessful branding campaigns so that you learn what to do and what not to do in your own job. You will learn about frameworks and concepts and be equipped with methodologies and tools to manage a branding project. You will meet people from the branding industry, both from within companies and from external service suppliers, such as corporate identity firms, packaging designers, advertising firms and brand agencies. Finally, you will be participating in a group project that will bring it all together, focusing on a specific company of your choice.Hope to see you in the fall. If you would like additional information on my own brand, check out www.MeetSchmitt.com."
Web Site Vergil
Department Business
Enrollment 27 students (120 max) as of 9:05PM Monday, March 10, 2025
Subject Business
Number B7758
Section 100
Division School of Business
Section key 20243BUSI7758B100