Spring 2025 Biostatistics P8158 section 001

Latent Variable and Structural Equation


Call Number 15979
Day & Time
W 8:30am-11:20am
LL103 Armand Hammer Health Sciences Center
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Melanie Wall
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description This course is designed for those students (or any researchers) who want to gain a significant familiarity with a collection of statistical techniques that target the measurement of latent variables (i.e. variables that cannot be measured directly) as well as methods for estimating relationships among variables within causal systems. This course covers: both continuous and categorical latent variable measurement models (i.e. exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory models, latent class and finite mixture models), as well as estimation of relationships in hypothesized causal systems using structural equation modeling. Data analysis examples will come from health science applications and practical implementation of all methods will be demonstrated using predominately the Mplus software, but also the R software.
Web Site Vergil
Department Biostatistics
Enrollment 13 students (50 max) as of 8:05PM Thursday, March 6, 2025
Subject Biostatistics
Number P8158
Section 001
Division School of Public Health
Note Priorities: Biostatistics & Applied Biostatistics Data Scien
Section key 20251BIST8158P001