Fall 2024 Biochemistry GU4250 section 001


Call Number 20915
Day & Time
MWF 4:00pm-5:20pm
To be announced
Points 4.5
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructors Alexander I Sobolevsky
Arthur Palmer
Anum A Glasgow
Hashim M Al-Hashimi
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description Prerequisites: basic physical and organic chemistry. Molecular Biophysics is an advanced special topics course with four modules: Noise and fluctuations in biophysics (Arthur Palmer), Single molecule methods (Ruben Gonzalez), Membranes and membrane proteins (Alexander Sobolevsky), and Modeling cellular networks (Karlin). Students normally would take Biophysical Chemistry I and/or Biophysical Chemistry II as prerequisites for Molecular Biophysics.
Web Site Vergil
Department Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Enrollment 3 students (10 max) as of 2:07PM Monday, September 16, 2024
Subject Biochemistry
Number GU4250
Section 001
Division Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Section key 20243BCHM4250G001