Fall 2023 Anthropology UN3879 section 001


Call Number 00012
Day & Time
T 10:10am-12:00pm
222 Milbank Hall (Barnard)
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required Instructor
Instructor Lesley Sharp
Course Description How might we speak of an imaginary within biomedicine? This course interrogates the ideological underpinnings of technocratic medicine in contexts that extend from the art of surgery to patient participation in experimental drug trials. Issues of scale will prove especially important in our efforts to track the medical imaginary from the whole, fleshy body to the molecular level. Key themes include everyday ethics; ways of seeing and knowing; suffering and hope; and subjectivity in a range of medical and sociomedical contexts. Open to anthropology majors; non-majors require instructor’s permission. Enrollment limit is 15.
Web Site Vergil
Department Anthropology @Barnard
Enrollment 13 students (15 max) as of 1:06PM Thursday, March 13, 2025
Subject Anthropology
Number UN3879
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Note Instructor Permission Req; Waitlist Signup w/instructions.
Section key 20233ANTH3879V001