Summer 2024 Anthropology UN3665 section 001

The Politics of Care


Call Number 00009
Day & Time
MW 9:00am-1:00pm
502 Diana Center
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required Instructor
Instructor Lesley Sharp
Course Description


What are the consequences of entrenched inequalities in the context of care? How might we (re)imagine associated practices as political projects? Wherein lie the origins of utopic and dystopic visions of daily survival? How might we track associated promises and failures as they travel across social hierarchies, nationalities, and geographies of care? And what do we mean when we speak of “care”? These questions define the scaffolding for this course. Our primary goals throughout this semester are threefold.  First, we begin by interrogating the meaning of “care” and its potential relevance as a political project in medical and other domains. Second, we will track care’s associated meanings and consequences across a range of contents, including urban and rural America, an Amazonia borderland, South Africa, France, and Mexico. Third, we will address temporal dimensions of care, as envisioned and experienced in the here-and-now, historically, and in a futuristic world of science fiction. Finally, and most importantly, we will remain alert to the relevance of domains of difference relevant to care, most notably race, gender, class, and species.

Upper level seminar; 4 points


What do we mean when we speak of “care”? How might we (re)imagine practices of care as political and moral projects? What promises, paradoxes, or failures surface amid entrenched inequalities? And what hopes, desires, and fears inform associated utopic and dystopic visions of daily survival? These questions will serve as a scaffolding of sorts for this course, and our primary goals are fourfold. First, we will begin by interrogating the meaning of “care” and its potential relevance as a political project in medical and other domains. Second, we will track care’s associated meanings and consequences across a range of contents, communities, and geographies of care. Third, we will remain alert to the temporal dimensions of care, as envisioned and experienced historically, in the here-and-now, and in the futuristic world of science fiction. Finally, we will consider the moral underpinnings of intra-human alongside interspecies care.

Enrollment limited to 10; 4 points

Web Site Vergil
Subterm 05/20-06/28 (A)
Enrollment 1 student (10 max) as of 4:06PM Saturday, June 29, 2024
Subject Anthropology
Number UN3665
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Open To Barnard College
Campus Barnard College
Note All Barnard students must register for Section 001
Section key 20242ANTH3665V001