Fall 2023 Anthropology GR6051 section 001



Call Number 10225
Day & Time
R 10:10am-12:00pm
467 EXT Schermerhorn Hall [SCH]
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required Instructor
Instructor Hannah Chazin
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This course explores how anthropologists have engaged with the question of value as means of understanding and comparing human social engagement with the creation, circulation, and consumption of objects and ideas. In doing so, this course will read classical anthropological texts concerned with exchange, social meaning and action and consider a variety of topics of anthropological interest such as gifts, commodities, capitalism, inequality, and the relationships between humans and nonhumans of many kinds. The course traces how questions and arguments that emerged out of earlier debates in “economic” anthropology were taken up and altered in later conversations about the analytical importance and utility of material and semiotic approaches. In doing so, the course explores what these genealogies might say about the possibility of, and the potential usefulness or desirability of, a contemporary or future-looking anthropology of value.    

Web Site Vergil
Department Anthropology
Enrollment 17 students (18 max) as of 10:06AM Sunday, June 2, 2024
Subject Anthropology
Number GR6051
Section 001
Division Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Campus Morningside
Note The permission of the instructor is required
Section key 20233ANTH6051G001