Spring 2025 Art History GU4946 section 001

Historicism & Restoration in European Ar

Historicism & Restoration

Call Number 17358
Day & Time
T 10:10am-12:00pm
930 Schermerhorn Hall [SCH]
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Barry G Bergdoll
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

The aim of this seminar is to explore the relationship between changing theories of historical change and the practice of architecture in the long nineteenth century from the ideas of progress that animated architectural theory and design in the European Enlightenment to the critiques of historicism and of revivalism in the avant-gardes of the early twentieth century.  It is the hypothesis of this seminar that during the period one of the dominant themes of architectural form making  was the notion that all understanding is historically conditioned, that an understanding of the past evolution of architectural form was necessary to defining current practices and preparing for the future, increasingly a subject of anxiety in this crucial period industrializing modernity.  This relationship between theory and practice will not be considered uniquely in the realm of the history of ideas, however.  Rather we will strive to “historicize historicism,” and to examine the political, social and economic stakes and settings of historicist architectural practices primarily in France, Britain, and Germany.  Issues of nationalism, colonialism, the discourses of progress, of natural science, and of evolution must necessarily overlap with our joint research.  A key theme that runs throughout the course is the relationship between ideas of defining an appropriate historically based style for modern practice and the rise of a culture of restoration (rather than repair) of the newly defined category of the historical monument.  As a result the course will be punctuated by a series of pairs that look at a single practitioner’s practices between newly conceived construction and restoration.   

Web Site Vergil
Department Art History and Archaeology
Enrollment 13 students (12 max) as of 9:05PM Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Status Full
Subject Art History
Number GU4946
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Open To Barnard College, Columbia College, Engineering:Undergraduate, GSAS, General Studies
Note Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8: https://forms.gle/4jeoWTmYZeyDnZzN6
Section key 20251AHIS4946W001