Spring 2024 Art History UN3461 section 001

Handicraft and Contemporary Art

Handicraft & Contemporary

Call Number 12871
Day & Time
T 2:10pm-4:00pm
930 Schermerhorn Hall [SCH]
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Julia Bryan-Wilson
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This seminar examines the resurgence of craft within contemporary art and theory. In a time when much art is outsourced — or fabricated by large stables of assistants — what does it mean when artists return to traditional, and traditionally laborious, methods of handiwork such as knitting, jewelry making, or woodworking? Though our emphasis will be on recent art (including the Black feminist reclamation of quilts, an artist who makes pornographic embroidery, a cross-dressing ceramicist, queer fiber collectives, do-it-yourself Indigenous environmental interventions, and anti-capitalist craftivism), we will also examine important historical precedents. We will read formative theoretical texts regarding questions of process, materiality, skill, bodily effort, domestic labor, and alternative economies of production. Throughout, we will think through how craft is in dialogue with questions of race, nation-building, gendered work, and mass manufacturing. The seminar is centered around student-led discussion of our critical readings.

Web Site Vergil
Department Art History and Archaeology
Enrollment 11 students (15 max) as of 11:06AM Friday, February 7, 2025
Subject Art History
Number UN3461
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Note "Application required; please see department website ""Sprin
Section key 20241AHIS3461W001