Spring 2024 Art History UN2119 section 001


Call Number 14945
Day & Time
MW 4:10pm-5:25pm
612 Schermerhorn Hall [SCH]
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Francesco de Angelis
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

This course will approach the art of the Roman empire from two vantage points. In its first half, it will consider it from the inside. Through a regional survey of the art and architecture produced in the provinces of the Roman empire between the 2nd c. BCE and the 4th c. CE, it will focus on the mechanisms by which models emanating from Rome were received andadapted in local contexts (so-called “Romanization”), as well as on the creative responses that the provincials’ incorporation into the empire elicited. The second half of the course will consider the art of the Roman empire from the outside, i.e., from the perspective of its neighbors in the Middle East and in Africa, as well as its self-proclaimed successors andimitators. On the one hand, we will see how ancient states such as the kingdom of Meroë and the Parthian empire, or regions such as the Gandhara, interacted with the visual culture of Rome and its empire. On the other, we will explore the degree to which the classical roots of the modern colonial empires in Asia, Africa, and the Americas both managed and failed to shape the visual cultures that these empires developed.

CC/GS/CE: Partial fulfillment of Global Core requirement.

Web Site Vergil
Department Art History and Archaeology
Enrollment 60 students (60 max) as of 5:07PM Friday, December 13, 2024
Status Full
Subject Art History
Number UN2119
Section 001
Division Interfaculty
Section key 20241AHIS2119W001