Spring 2024 Africana Studies GU4100 section 001

Slavery and Freedom in Latin America

Slavery & Freedom in Lat.

Call Number 00623
Day & Time
T 2:10pm-4:00pm
Points 4
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Tamara Walker
Course Description

This course focuses on the long history of slavery and the many meanings of freedom in Latin America. We will trace the institution’s origins in the sixteenth century through its eventual abolition in the 19th, from Spanish Florida to South America and numerous places in between. In the process, we will compare how enslaved people across the region understood, challenged, and survived their condition, in rural agricultural settings, urban centers, and private households. We will also examine the role of gender, sexuality, religious practice, and legal systems in shaping the lived experiences of enslaved people as well as the kinds of opportunities they were able to carve out for themselves and their loved ones.


Course readings will draw from primary sources and historical scholarship related to a range of relevant topics, as well as a vast visual and artistic corpus including watercolors, portraits, films, television programs, and modern advertising campaigns.


This course is intended for both advanced undergraduates and graduate students. Graduate students will occasionally consult additional readings or materials each week and submit an 18- to 20-page paper at the end of the term.

Web Site Vergil
Department Africana Studies (AFSB)
Enrollment 15 students (16 max) as of 9:05PM Thursday, March 13, 2025
Subject Africana Studies
Number GU4100
Section 001
Division Barnard College
Section key 20241AFRS4100W001