Fall 2024 African-American Studies UN1010 section 004


Call Number 21308
Day & Time
R 2:10pm-3:00pm
414 Pupin Laboratories
Points 0
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Jada E Orr
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

At each discussion section meeting, one or more students will be responsible for leading the section in a general discussion about that week's readings. They will present the key ideas within the assigned readings, making connections with information from previous readings and lectures from class. Each student's initial presentation should be about 10 minutes in length, and accompanied by a one or two page outline or short paper. If more than one student is assigned to a particular week, they should meet together prior to class to determine which topics or readings each individual will present. All grades are based  on individual performances, not by the group as a whole.

Web Site Vergil
Department African American and African Diaspora
Enrollment 21 students (20 max) as of 11:06AM Saturday, December 7, 2024
Status Full
Subject African-American Studies
Number UN1010
Section 004
Division Columbia College
Section key 20243AFAS1010C004