Subject Listing: Theatre Arts Courses in the Fall 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

AT6010 001  14799        3  HISTORY & THEORY OF THEAT       R 2:10pm-5:00pm   3 NASH BUILDIN       Araneo, Margaret K
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AR6017 001  14800        3  Theatre Historiography          R 2:10pm-5:00pm   1 NASH BUILDIN       Contreras, Maria Jose
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6030 001  14801        3  FUNDAMENTALS OF DIRECTING       M 2:10pm-5:00pm   1 NASH BUILDIN       Rothe, Lisa
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: PRIORITY FOR 1ST YR PLAYWRIGHTS & DRAMATURGS
AT6030 002  14802        3  FUNDAMENTALS OF DIRECTING       M 10:00am-12:50p  2 NASH BUILDIN       Wilkinson, Katherine
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: PRIORITY FOR 1ST YR PLAYWRIGHTS & DRAMATURGS
AT6100 001  18913        3  HISTORY OF PERFORMANCE          F 2:15pm-5:05pm   4 NASH BUILDIN       Ferdman, Bertha
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6120 001  18920        2  VOICE II                        M 9:00am-10:55am  3 NASH BUILDIN       May, Corinna
            L INS   STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6120 002  18921        2  VOICE II                        M 11:00am-12:55p  3 NASH BUILDIN       May, Corinna
            L INS   STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6140 001  15116        1  STAGE COMBAT                    M 9:00am-10:55am  6 NASH BUILDIN       Holloway, Jacqueline
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6140 002  15115        1  STAGE COMBAT                    M 11:00am-12:55p  6 NASH BUILDIN       Holloway, Jacqueline
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6160 001  18915        3  ACTING I                        MW 2:10pm-5:00pm  6 NASH BUILDIN       Donnelly, Kyle
            L     WORKSHOP  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6200 001  14803        3  INTRODUCTION TO DRAMATURG       W 2:10pm-5:00pm   603 Dodge Hall       Parker, E. C
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6250 001  14804        3  SOLO SHOWS                      R 10:00am-12:50p  603 Dodge Hall       Ayvazian, Leslie
            L     WORKSHOP  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6300 001  14805        3  DIRECTING I                     M 10:00am-12:50p  1 NASH BUILDIN       Bogart, Anne
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                    W 9:30am-12:20pm  1 NASH BUILDIN       
AT6410 001  14806        3  CREATING A PLAY                 W 9:30am-12:20pm  603 Dodge Hall       Ayvazian, Leslie
            L     WORKSHOP  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6480 001  14808        3  ARTISTIC RESEARCH               W 2:10pm-5:00pm   B15 Schapiro [SCEP]  Contreras, Maria Jose
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: PRIORITY FOR 2ND YR MFA DRAMATURGS
AT6500 001  14826        3  PLAYWRITING I                   W 2:10pm-5:00pm   2 NASH BUILDIN       Martinez, Rogelio
            L     WORKSHOP  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6506 001  15101        0  CLOWN II                        T 2:10pm-5:00pm   1 NASH BUILDIN       Jean-Pierre, Ralf
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6514 001  18916        2  SPEECH I                        TR 9:00am-12:50p  5 NASH BUILDIN       Hayes, Elizabeth
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6518 001  18912        1  VOICE & ALEXANDER TECHNIQ       M 9:00am-1:00pm   5 NASH BUILDIN       McClelland, Jean
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6560 001  18914        1  THE ACTOR'S BODY I              W 9:00am-12:30pm  6 NASH BUILDIN       Mani, Sita
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                    F 9:00am-12:50pm  6 NASH BUILDIN       
AT6562 001  18971        1  THE ACTOR'S BODY III            TR 9:00am-12:50p  6 NASH BUILDIN       Mani, Sita
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6580 001  14827        3  AMERICAN SPECTACLE              F 2:10pm-5:00pm   603 Dodge Hall       Nottage, Lynn
            L     WORKSHOP  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6610 001  14828        3  LEADERSHIP - STAGE MANAGE       TR 9:00am-11:50a  605 Dodge Hall       Passaro, Michael
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6620 001  14831        3  SM METHODS: CREATING BWAY SHOW  M 10:00am-12:50p  4 NASH BUILDIN       Scribner, Justin
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           Harris, Sarah
AT6630 001  14833        3  STAGE MGMT. & TECH. PRODU       F 2:30pm-5:00pm   512 Dodge Hall       Hoffman, Daniel
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT6670 001  14841      1.5  OTHER FRONTIERS: DANCE          M 2:10pm-5:00pm   603 Dodge Hall       Reid, Jacqueline
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Course runs for 7 sessions
AT6700 001  14849        3  THEATRE MGMT & ADMIN I          W 9:30am-12:20pm  605 Dodge Hall       Chaikelson, Steven E
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                    F 3:00pm-6:00pm   605 Dodge Hall       
AT6700 002  14848        3  THEATRE MGMT & ADMIN I          W 3:00pm-5:00pm   To be announced      Hess, Timothy A
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Meets at Daryl Roth Offices
AT6720 001  14851        3  BUDGETING AND REPORTING         F 10:00am-12:00p  To be announced      Naumann, Michael
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Meets at TDF offices
AT6730 001  14853        3  PRESS, PUB. & AUD. DEVELO       T 5:00pm-7:00pm   To be announced      Boneau, Chris
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Meets at BBB Offices.
AT6750 001  14854      1.5  ADVERTISING FOR THEATRE         W 4:00pm-6:00pm   To be announced      Pekoe, Amanda
            L     WORKSHOP  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: CLASS RUNS 9/4/24-10/16/24. Meets at Pekoe Offices.
AT6770 001  14855        3  ACCOUNTING FOR THEATRE          R 10:00am-12:00p  To be announced      Fried, Robert
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Meets at Withum Offices.
AT6803 001  14856        3  MUSICAL STRUCTURE               TR 1:00pm-3:30pm  603 Dodge Hall       Passaro, Michael
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8031 001  14960      1.5  INTIMACY DIRECTION FOR SM       M 10:00am-12:50p  605 Dodge Hall       Mahoney, Katherine A
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8031 002  14968      1.5  CRIT ISSUES: CONFLICT RES       M 10:00am-12:50p  605 Dodge Hall       Hanson, Fredric
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Course is 7 sessions long / 2nd half of the semester
AT8032 001  15875        3  Navigating DEAIB                W 9:30am-12:20pm  4 NASH BUILDIN       Dunlevy, Erin
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8040 001  14972        3  VISITING ARTISTS                T 10:00am-12:00p  B15 Schapiro [SCEP]  Bogart, Anne
            L     COLLOQUI  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8050 002  18919        3  IMPULSE/STIMULUS/SPECIFICITY    M 2:10pm-5:00pm   5 NASH BUILDIN       Benko, Tina
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8060 001  15113      0-3  SELF TO PERFORMANCE             TR 2:10pm-5:00pm  6 NASH BUILDIN       Calleri, James
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           Fernandez, Peter
AT8060 002  15102      0-3  EARLY CAREER PREP               W 10:00am-1:00pm  B10 Schapiro [SCEP]  Whitehurst, Scott V
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8110 002  14977        3  SCENE STUDY: DIRECTORS          R 10:00am-12:50p  1 NASH BUILDIN       Kulick, Brian
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                    F 2:10pm-5:00pm   2 NASH BUILDIN       
AT8120 001  18918        2  DIALECTS & ACCENTS              W 9:00am-12:20pm  5 NASH BUILDIN       Hayes, Elizabeth
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8130 001  15119        3  ACTING III                      W 2:10pm-5:00pm   5 NASH BUILDIN       Fernandez, Peter
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                    F 9:30am-12:20pm  5 NASH BUILDIN       
AT8150 001  18917        3  ACTING THROUGH SONG             R 2:10pm-5:00pm   5 NASH BUILDIN       Colella, Jenn
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8320 003  15121        3  SHAKESPEARE IN PERFORMANC       TF 2:10pm-5:00pm  5 NASH BUILDIN       Whitehurst, Scott V
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8330 001  14980        3  DIRECTING III                   W 2:10pm-5:00pm   1 NASH BUILDIN       Bogart, Anne
            L     WORKSHOP  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8350 001  15428        3  DIRECTOR-DESIGNER WORKSHO       T 6:30pm-9:30pm   To be announced      Bogart, Anne
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           Kulick, Brian
                            Note: Meets at NYU.
AT8360 001  14982        3  ADV. PLAY DIRECTING SEMIN       W 9:30am-12:20pm  To be announced      Bogart, Anne
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8400 001  14983        3  DRAMATURGY PRACTICUM            F 10:00am-12:50p  603 Dodge Hall       Parker, E. C
            L     PRACTICA  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8410 001  14984        3  DRAMATURGY II: SHAKESPEAR       M 10:00am-12:50p  603 Dodge Hall       Sexton, Michael J
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8510 001  14985        3  PLAYWRITING III                 R 2:10pm-5:00pm   605 Dodge Hall       Mee, Charles
            L     WORKSHOP  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8515 001  14987        0  SUZUKI - RA                     F 10:00am-1:00pm  1 NASH BUILDIN       Parker, Shanga
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8540 001  14988        3  DIRECTED STUDIES - PLAYWR       F 10:10am-1:00pm  To be announced      Nottage, Lynn
            L     WORKSHOP  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Meets in Dodge 601-B
AT8550 001  15079        3  ADAPTATION                      T 2:10pm-5:00pm   605 Dodge Hall       Jenness, Morgan
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8560 001  15081        3  PLAY REWRITING & DEVELOPM       M 6:00pm-8:50pm   605 Dodge Hall       Hwang, David H
            L     WORKSHOP  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8641 001  19430      1.5  DIRECTING FOR STAGE MANAG       R 9:00am-11:50am  4 NASH BUILDIN       Dicarlo, Matthew
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Course runs for 7 sessions
AT8650 001  15108        3  REHEARSAL AND PRODUCTION                                               Marvel, Linda
            L     PRACTICA  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8670 002  15083        3  SCENE STUDY II: CHEKHOV         R 2:10pm-5:00pm   2 NASH BUILDIN       Kulick, Brian
            L       STUDIO  Theatre Arts                    F 10:00am-12:50p  2 NASH BUILDIN       
AT8675 001  15084        3  PEOPLE AND PRACTICE             F 10:00am-12:50p  605 Dodge Hall       Richard, Cody
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8710 001  15087        3  ROLE OF THE THEATRE PRODU       T 10:00am-12:00p  603 Dodge Hall       Burney, Christopher G
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           Frost, Susan
AT8730 001  15091      1.5  THEATRE MANAGEMENT SEMINA       R 4:00pm-6:00pm   To be announced      Blinkwolt, Renee M
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Class runs from 10/24/24 - 12/12/24. Meets at Ars Nova.
AT8760 001  15093      1.5  MARKETING & AUDIENCE DEVE       W 4:00pm-6:00pm   605 Dodge Hall       Bailey, Victoria
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Class Runs 10/23/24-12/11/24
AT8770 001  15094        3  ADV SEMINAR IN THEATRE MG       R 1:00pm-3:00pm   To be announced      Flateman, Charles
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Meets at Shubert Offices.
AT8780 001  15096        3  DEVELOPMENT PROCESS             W 10:00am-12:00p  To be announced      Estrin, Whitney
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Meets at TDF Offices.
AT8790 001  15097        3  COMPANY MANAGEMENT              M 3:00pm-5:00pm   605 Dodge Hall       Shaw, Kimberly M
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT8810 001  15098      1.5  INTL FESTIVALS & TOURING        F 3:00pm-6:00pm   To be announced      Dennis, Ellen
            L      SEMINAR  Theatre Arts                                                           
                            Note: Course runs 10/25/24-12/13/24. Meets in Dodge 601-F.
AT8998 001  17539      1-3  INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH & WRI                                              Hwang, David H
            L     INDEPEND  Theatre Arts                                                           
AR9000 RA1  14743      0.4  RESEARCH ARTS THEATRE                                                  Coo, Clarence K
                  REGISTRA  Arts, School of the                                                    
AR9001 RT1  14753      0.4  RESEARCH ARTS THEATRE THE                                              Coo, Clarence K
                  REGISTRA  Arts, School of the                                                    
AT9010 001  15099        0  PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE           R 9:30am-12:30pm  B10 Schapiro [SCEP]  Calleri, James
            L     COLLOQUI  Theatre Arts                                                           
AT9100 001  15100        0  PROOF OF CONCEPT                M 9:30am-12:20pm  B15 Schapiro [SCEP]  Silver, Rafi
            L     PRACTICA  Theatre Arts                                                           
AR9800 RI1  14756      0-6  THEA RESEARCH ARTS INTERN                                              Coo, Clarence K
                  INTERNSH  Arts, School of the                                                    
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday