Subject Listing: Statistics Courses in the Fall 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

UN1001 001  15145        3  INTRO TO STATISTICAL REAS       TR 10:10am-11:25  313 Fayerweather     Datta, Ashley
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
UN1001 002  15159        3  INTRO TO STATISTICAL REAS       MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  717 Hamilton Hall    Donoghue, Anthony
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
UN1001 003  15146        3  INTRO TO STATISTICAL REAS       MW 8:40am-9:55am  517 Hamilton Hall    Elbulok, Musa
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
UN1101 001  15160        3  INTRODUCTION TO STATISTIC       TR 6:10pm-7:25pm  602 Hamilton Hall    Marchev, Dobrin
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory Recitation Registration for STAT UG1102
UN1101 002  15161        3  INTRODUCTION TO STATISTIC       MW 8:40am-9:55am  309 Havemeyer Hall   Pijyan, Alex
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory Recitation Registration for STAT UN1102
UN1102 001  15938        0  Intro to Statistics Recit       M 10:30am-11:45a  644 Seeley W. Mudd   
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory registration for all STAT 1101 students.
UN1102 002  15939        0  Intro to Statistics Recit       M 2:30pm-3:45pm   608 Martin Luther K  
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory registration for all STAT 1101 students.
UN1102 003  15940        0  Intro to Statistics Recit       T 8:40am-9:55am   304 Hamilton Hall    
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Registration mandatory for all STAT 1101 students.
UN1102 004  15941        0  Intro to Statistics Recit       T 1:00pm-2:15pm   303 Hamilton Hall    
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory registration for all STAT 1101 students.
UN1102 005  15942        0  Intro to Statistics Recit       W 1:00pm-2:15pm   703 Hamilton Hall    
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory registration for all STAT 1101 students.
UN1102 006  15943        0  Intro to Statistics Recit       W 4:00pm-5:15pm   332 Uris Hall        
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory registration for all STAT 1101 students.
UN1102 007  15944        0  Intro to Statistics Recit       R 4:15pm-5:30pm   825 Seeley W. Mudd   
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory registration for all STAT 1101 students.
UN1102 008  15945        0  Intro to Statistics Recit       R 4:00pm-5:15pm   829 Seeley W. Mudd   
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory registration for all STAT 1101 students.
UN1201 001  15162        3  CALC-BASED INTRO TO STATI       TR 8:40am-9:55am  501 Northwest Corne  Baydil, Banu
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
UN1201 002  15163        3  CALC-BASED INTRO TO STATI       MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  209 Havemeyer Hall   Zhong, Chenyang
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
UN1201 003  15164        3  CALC-BASED INTRO TO STATI       MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  702 Hamilton Hall    Fung, Tat Sang
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
UN1202 001  15165        1  UNDERGRADUATE SEM/STATIST       F 10:10am-12:00p  308A Lewisohn Hall   Neath, Ronald
            L      SEMINAR  Statistics                                                             
UN2102 001  15166        3  Applied Statistical Compu       TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  517 Hamilton Hall    Pijyan, Alex
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
UN2103 001  15167        3  APPLIED LINEAR REG ANALYSIS     MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  602 Hamilton Hall    Neath, Ronald
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
UN3104 001  15168        3  Applied Bayesian Analysis       TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  140 Uris Hall        Marchev, Dobrin
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
UN3105 001  15169        3  APPLIED STATISTICAL METHO       MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  717 Hamilton Hall    Lee, Wayne
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
UN3107 001  15170        3  Undergraduate Mentored Researc                                         Van Delft, Anne
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: By Permission only
UN3107 002  21139        3  Undergraduate Mentored Re                                              Gelman, Andrew
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: By Permission only.
UN3107 003  21193        3  Undergraduate Mentored Re                                              Zheng, Tian
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: By permission only
UN3293 001  15545        3  Stat Analysis/Neural Data       F 1:30pm-3:00pm   L3-079 JEROME L GRE  Paninski, Liam M
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Undergrads only
GU4001 001  15171        3  INTRODUCTION TO PROB & ST       MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  301 Pupin Laborator  Maleki, Arian
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4203 001  15172        3  PROBABILITY THEORY              MW 10:10am-11:25  517 Hamilton Hall    Davis, Richard
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Undergraduate Students only.
GU4203 002  15173        3  PROBABILITY THEORY              TR 6:10pm-7:25pm  301 Uris Hall        Datta, Ashley
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4203 003  15174        3  PROBABILITY THEORY              TR 6:10pm-7:25pm  301 Uris Hall        Datta, Ashley
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Acturial Sci MS students only
GU4204 001  15175        3  STATISTICAL INFERENCE           MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  142 Uris Hall        Sobel, Michael
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4204 002  15176        3  STATISTICAL INFERENCE           MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  142 Uris Hall        Sobel, Michael
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Acturial Sci MS students only
GU4205 001  15147        3  LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS        TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  313 Fayerweather     Liu, Jingchen
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Undergraduate students only.
GU4205 002  15148        3  LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS        TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  142 Uris Hall        Protter, Philip
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4205 003  15177        3  LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS        MW 7:40pm-8:55pm  312 Mathematics Bui  Pasarica, Cristian G
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4205 004  15178        3  LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS        TR 8:40am-9:55am  312 Mathematics Bui  Yao, Yisha
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4205 005  15179        3  LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS        MW 8:40am-9:55am  614 Schermerhorn Ha  Gu, Yuqi
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4206 001  15180        3  STAT COMP & INTRO DATA SC       F 10:10am-12:40p  501 Schermerhorn Ha  Lee, Wayne
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Undergraduate students only
GU4207 001  15181        3  Elementary Stochastic Processe  MW 11:40am-12:55  207 Mathematics Bui  Brown, Mark
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4221 001  15182        3  TIME SERIES ANALYSIS            TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  312 Mathematics Bui  Wu, Rongning
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4224 001  15183        3  BAYESIAN STATISTICS             MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  428 Pupin Laborator  Neath, Ronald
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4243 001  15184        3  APPLIED DATA SCIENCE            W 6:10pm-8:55pm   307 Uris Hall        Dumitrascu, Bianca
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4261 001  15185        3  STATISTICAL METHODS IN FI       F 10:10am-12:40p  301 Pupin Laborator  El Barmi, Hammou
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4263 001  15186        3  STAT INF/TIME-SERIES MODE       TR 6:10pm-7:25pm  301 Pupin Laborator  Gonzalez Sanz, Alberto
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4263 002  15187        3  STAT INF/TIME-SERIES MODE       S 10:10am-12:40p  301 Uris Hall        Rembart, Franz
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4264 001  15188        3  STOCHASTC PROCSSES-APPLIC       MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  428 Pupin Laborator  Baker, Graeme
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4264 002  15189        3  STOCHASTC PROCSSES-APPLIC       MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  401 Chandler         Slavov, Iordan I
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4265 001  15190        3  Stochastics Methods in Finance  MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  207 Mathematics Bui  Campbell, Steven
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GU4291 001  15149        3  ADVANCED DATA ANALYSIS          F 5:10pm-7:40pm   417 International A  Alemayehu, Demissie
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GR5203 001  15152        3  PROBABILITY                     TR 6:10pm-7:25pm  301 Uris Hall        Datta, Ashley
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5203 002  15191        3  PROBABILITY                     MW 1:10pm-3:40pm  313 Fayerweather     Sen, Bodhisattva
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only. Meets 9/3-10/16.
GR5203 003  16666        3  PROBABILITY                     MW 8:40am-11:25a  301 Uris Hall        Dolgoarshinnykh, Regina
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.  Meets 9/5-10/13.
GR5203 004  15153        3  PROBABILITY                     TR 6:10pm-8:40pm  717 Hamilton Hall    Liu, Jingchen
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only. Meets 9/5-10/13.
GR5204 001  15193        3  STATISTICAL INFERENCE           MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  142 Uris Hall        Sobel, Michael
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5204 002  15192        3  STATISTICAL INFERENCE           MW 1:10pm-3:40pm  313 Fayerweather     de la Pena, Victor H
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA Students only. Meets 10/17-12/09
GR5204 003  15150        3  STATISTICAL INFERENCE           MW 8:40am-11:25a  301 Uris Hall        Dolgoarshinnykh, Regina
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.  Meets 10/17-12/09.
GR5204 004  15151        3  STATISTICAL INFERENCE           TR 6:10pm-8:40pm  717 Hamilton Hall    Sobel, Michael
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.  Meets 10/17-12/09.
GR5205 001  15157        3  LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS        TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  142 Uris Hall        Protter, Philip
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5205 002  15156        3  LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS        MW 7:40pm-8:55pm  312 Mathematics Bui  Pasarica, Cristian G
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5205 003  15154        3  LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS        TR 8:40am-9:55am  312 Mathematics Bui  Yao, Yisha
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5205 004  15155        3  LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS        MW 8:40am-9:55am  614 Schermerhorn Ha  Gu, Yuqi
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5206 001  15194        3  STAT COMP & INTRO TO DATA SCI   F 10:10am-12:40p  501 Schermerhorn Ha  Lee, Wayne
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5206 002  15195        3  STAT COMP & INTRO DATA SC       F 10:10am-12:40p  501 Northwest Corne  Kwon, Yongchan
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5206 003  15158        3  STAT COMP & INTRO DATA SC       F 6:10pm-8:40pm   428 Pupin Laborator  Wang, Haiyuan
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5207 001  15196        3  ELEMENTARY STOCHASTIC PRO       MW 11:40am-12:55  207 Mathematics Bui  Brown, Mark
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5221 001  15197        3  TIME SERIES ANALYSIS            TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  312 Mathematics Bui  Wu, Rongning
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5224 001  15198        3  BAYESIAN STATISTICS             MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  428 Pupin Laborator  Neath, Ronald
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5242 001  15199        3  ADVANCED MACHINE LEARNING       M 10:10am-12:40p  402 Chandler         Kpotufe, Samory
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             Rahnama Rad, Kamiar
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5242 002  20687        3  ADVANCED MACHINE LEARNING       W 10:10am-12:40p  903 School of Socia  Kpotufe, Samory
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             Rahnama Rad, Kamiar
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5242 003  15200        3  ADVANCED MACHINE LEARNING       R 4:10pm-6:40pm   428 Pupin Laborator  Dube, Parijat
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GR5243 001  15201        3  APPLIED DATA SCIENCE            W 6:10pm-8:55pm   307 Uris Hall        Dumitrascu, Bianca
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA Students only.
GR5245 001  15202        1  Python for Deep Learning        R 5:35pm-6:35pm   517 Hamilton Hall    Ng, Ka-Yi
            L     LABORATO  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5245 002  15203        1  Python for Deep Learning        R 6:45pm-7:45pm   517 Hamilton Hall    Ng, Ka-Yi
            L     LABORATO  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5261 001  15405        3  STATISTICAL METHODS IN FI       F 10:10am-12:40p  301 Pupin Laborator  El Barmi, Hammou
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Stat MA & Math Finance students only.
GR5263 001  15204        3  STAT INF/TIME-SERIES MODE       TR 6:10pm-7:25pm  301 Pupin Laborator  Gonzalez Sanz, Alberto
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Math Finance & Stat MA 2nd year students only.
GR5263 002  15205        3  STAT INF/TIME-SERIES MODE       S 10:10am-12:40p  301 Uris Hall        Rembart, Franz
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Math Finance & Stat MA 2nd year students only.
GR5264 001  15206        3  STOCHASTC PROCSSES-APPLIC       MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  428 Pupin Laborator  Baker, Graeme
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Stat MA and Math Finance students only.
GR5264 002  15207        3  STOCHASTC PROCSSES-APPLIC       MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  329 Pupin Laborator  Slavov, Iordan I
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Stat MA and Math Finance students only.
GR5265 001  15208        3  STOCHASTIC METHODS IN FIN       MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  207 Mathematics Bui  Campbell, Steven
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
GR5291 001  15209        3  ADVANCED DATA ANALYSIS          F 5:10pm-7:40pm   417 International A  Alemayehu, Demissie
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA students only.
GR5293 001  15210        3  APP MACH LEARN COMP VIS         M 1:10pm-3:40pm   303 Uris Hall        He, Xiaofu
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: DSI and STAT MA students only.
GR5293 002  15211        3  DESIGN&ANALY/ONLINE EXPRM       M 6:10pm-8:40pm   501 Northwest Corne  Kang, Lei
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: DSI and STAT MA students only.
GR5293 003  15546        3  STAT ANALYSIS-NEURAL DATA       F 1:30pm-3:00pm   L3-079 JEROME L GRE  Paninski, Liam M
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Masters students only
GR5293 004  15934        3  Machine Learn in Finance        T 6:10pm-8:40pm   616 Martin Luther K  Lee, Jeonghoe
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA & Math Finance MA; Statistical Machine Learning perq
GR5293 005  19277        3  Decode AI w/Info Theory         M 7:10pm-9:40pm   301 Uris Hall        Shental, Ori
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: DSI and STAT 2nd year MA students only.
GR5390 001  15212        0  Practitioners Seminar           F 3:10pm-4:55pm   903 School of Socia  Young, Gabriel
            L      SEMINAR  Statistics                                                             
GR5391 001  18935        0  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT        R 1:10pm-2:25pm   413 Kent Hall        Young, Gabriel
            L     WORKSHOP  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA STUDENTS (First Year) ONLY.
GR5391 002  15213        0  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT        W 4:10pm-5:25pm   425 Pupin Laborator  Baydil, Banu
            L     WORKSHOP  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA STUDENTS (First Year) ONLY. Meets 10/17-12/9
GR5391 003  18936        0  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT        F 1:10pm-2:25pm   203 Mathematics Bui  Young, Gabriel
            L     WORKSHOP  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA STUDENTS (First Year ONLY
GR5398 001  15214      0-3  MA MENTORED RESEARCH                                                   Alemayehu, Demissie
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA Students only.
GR5399 001  15215        1  Statistical Fieldwork                                                  Alemayehu, Demissie
            L     FIELD WO  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT MA Students only.
GR5700 001  15924        0  Probability & Stat for DS       M 11:40am-12:55p  633 Seeley W. Mudd   
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory registration for students enrolled in STAT 5701. D
GR5700 002  15923        0  Probability & Stat for DS       W 11:40am-12:55p  633 Seeley W. Mudd   
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory registration for students enrolled in STAT 5701. D
GR5700 003  15925        0  Probability & Stat for DS       T 6:00pm-7:15pm   203 Mathematics Bui  
            L     RECITATI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Mandatory registration for students enrolled in STAT 5701. D
GR5701 001  15216        3  PROBABILITY & STAT FOR DA       MW 1:10pm-2:25pm  301 Pupin Laborator  Marchev, Dobrin
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: Open to DSI students only.
GR5702 001  15217        3  EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS       MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  329 Pupin Laborator  Robbins, Joyce T
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: DSI students only.
GR5702 002  15218        3  EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS       TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  329 Pupin Laborator  Robbins, Joyce T
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: DSI students only.
GR5702 V01  21160        3  EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYS/                                               Robbins, Joyce T
            L      LECTURE  Video Network                                                          
                            Note: VIDEO NETWORK STUDENTS ONLY
GR5703 001  15219        3  STAT INFERENCE & MODELING       TR 6:10pm-7:25pm  903 School of Socia  Avella Medina, Marco A
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: DSI students only.
GR6101 001  15220        4  APPLIED STATISTICS I            TR 11:40am-12:55  903 School of Socia  Gelman, Andrew
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT PhD students only.
GR6103 001  15221        4  APPLIED STATISTICS III          TR 10:10am-11:25  903 School of Socia  Cunningham, John P
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT PhD students only.
GR6105 001  15222        3  Statistical Consulting          M 9:00am-11:00am  1025 School of Soci  Zheng, Tian
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             Lee, Wayne
                            Note: STAT MA & PhD students only.
GR6201 001  15223        4  THEORETICAL STATISTICS I        TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  903 School of Socia  Rush, Cynthia
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT PhD students only.
GR6203 001  15224        4  THEORETICAL STATISTICS III      M 10:10am-12:00p  308A Lewisohn Hall   Yuan, Ming
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT PhD students only.
GR6301 001  15225        4  PROBABILITY THEORY I            MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  903 School of Socia  Van Delft, Anne
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT PhD students only.
GR6303 001  15922        4  PROBABILITY THEORY III          T 4:10pm-6:00pm   To be announced      Trillos, Nicolas
            L      LECTURE  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: STAT PhD students only.
GR8001 001  15226        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Avella Medina, Marco A
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 002  15227        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Blei, David
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 003  15228        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Cunningham, John P
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 004  15229        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Davis, Richard
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 005  15230        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              de la Pena, Victor H
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 006  15231        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Dumitrascu, Bianca
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 007  15232        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Gelman, Andrew
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 008  15233        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Gu, Yuqi
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 009  15234        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Karatzas, Ioannis
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 010  15235        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Kpotufe, Samory
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 011  15236        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Liu, Jingchen
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 012  15239        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Lo, Shaw-Hwa
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 013  15237        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Maleki, Arian
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 014  15238        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Mukherjee, Sumit
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 015  15240        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Nutz, Marcel F
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 016  15241        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Paninski, Liam M
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 017  15242        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Protter, Philip
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 018  15243        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Rabinowitz, Daniel
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 019  15244        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Rush, Cynthia
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 020  15245        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Sen, Bodhisattva
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 021  15246        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Sobel, Michael
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 022  15247        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Tavare, Simon
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 023  15248        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Van Delft, Anne
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 024  15249        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Ying, Zhiliang
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 025  15250        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Yuan, Ming
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 026  15251        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Zheng, Tian
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 027  15542        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Tavare, Simon
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8001 028  15252        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Allen, Genevera
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: PhD Students Only
GR8001 029  21618        3  Graduate Independent Rese                                              Harshaw, Christopher
            L     INDEPEND  Statistics                                                             
GR8201 001  15253        3  STAT ANALYSIS-NEURAL DATA       F 1:30pm-3:00pm   L3-079 JEROME L GRE  Paninski, Liam M
            L     COLLOQUI  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: PhD students only
GR9201 001  15254        3  SEM-THEORETICAL STATISTIC       M 4:10pm-5:25pm   903 School of Socia  Rush, Cynthia
            L      SEMINAR  Statistics                                                             Avella Medina, Marco A
                            Note: STAT PhD students only
GR9301 001  15255        3  SEMINAR PROBABILITY THEOR       F 11:40am-12:55p  To be announced      Corwin, Ivan
            L      SEMINAR  Statistics                                                             
                            Note: PhD students only
GR9302 001  15256        1  SEMINAR IN APPLIED PROB & RISK  R 1:10pm-2:25pm   903 School of Socia  Zhong, Chenyang
            L      SEMINAR  Statistics                                                             de la Pena, Victor H
                                                                                                   Baker, Graeme
                            Note: PhD students only
GR9303 001  15257        3  Seminar in Mathematical Financ  R 4:10pm-5:25pm   903 School of Socia  Protter, Philip
            L      SEMINAR  Statistics                                                             Nutz, Marcel F
                                                                                                   Campbell, Steven
                            Note: PhD students only
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday