Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Department
P6728 001 16227 3 HLTH PRMTION: THRY, RSRCH R 8:30am-11:20am 532A ROSENFIELD B Bogart, Jane
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: SMS Students
P6728 002 16228 3 HLTH PRMTION: THRY, RSRCH T 8:30am-11:20am HESS ROSENFIELD B Gloria, Christian
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: **Location exception(s): 4/8 meets in 523A; Priorities: SMS
P6750 001 16229 3 CONFRONT OBESITY:SOC,STRC T 5:30pm-8:20pm 532B ROSENFIELD B Van Wye, Gretchen
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: HPRP certificate; SMS Students
P6760 D01 16230 3 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PRAC T 1:00pm-3:50pm To be announced Hutchinson, Carole L
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: HPRP certificate; SMS Students
P6776 D01 16231 1 DIG STORYTELL: WHY PUBLIC F 1:00pm-3:00pm To be announced Wingood, Gina M
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Meets: 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14 and 2/28 / Priorities: HC Certi
P6790 001 20765 0-6 TUTORIAL SOCIOMEDICAL SCI Fullilove, Robert E
L TUTORIAL Sociomedical Sciences
P8705 001 16232 3 EVALUATION OF HEALTH PROG T 1:00pm-3:50pm 532A ROSENFIELD B Fullilove, Robert E
L SEMINAR Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: SMS Students
P8708 D01 16233 2 SOCIOMEDICAL SCIENCES MAS Gloria, Christian
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Meets 01/24; 01/31; 02/07
P8709 D01 16234 3 SEXUALITY,GENDER,HLTH-HUM T 5:30pm-8:20pm To be announced Bishop, Emily S
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: SSRH YR2; SMS HHR YR2; SMS MS
P8719 D01 16235 3 SMS Master s Capstone Gloria, Christian
L INDEPEND Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Meets 01/24; 01/31; 02/07
P8741 001 16236 3 STRUCTURL APPROACH-GLOBAL M 4:00pm-6:50pm LL108A/B Armand Ham Castellanos Usigli, Anton
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: SMS MS & MPH; SDOH certificate
P8745 001 16237 3 SOCL & ECON DETERMNTS OF T 8:30am-11:20am 532B ROSENFIELD B Hopper, Kim J
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
P8745 002 16238 3 SOCL & ECON DETERMNTS OF R 1:00pm-3:50pm 532B ROSENFIELD B Hopper, Kim J
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
P8746 001 16239 3 PERSUASION & COERCION-PUB R 8:30am-11:20am 532B ROSENFIELD B Colgrove, James K
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: HEL Certificate; SMS MS, MPH YR2, PHD
P8747 001 16240 3 ETHICS OF PUBLIC HEALTH M 1:00pm-3:50pm 532B ROSENFIELD B McMahon, Caitlin E
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: HEL Certificate; SMS MS, MPH YR2, PHD
P8762 001 16242 3 CHRONIC DISEASE,URB, COMM M 4:00pm-6:50pm 532AB ROSENFIELD B Fullilove, Robert E
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: SMS MS
P8771 001 16243 3 COMM-BASED PARTICIPATORY M 8:30am-11:20am To be announced Schiavo, Renata
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: SMS MS; HPRP & PHRM certificates
P8772 001 16244 3 DESIGNING PUBLIC HEALTH I M 1:00pm-3:50pm 532A ROSENFIELD B Giovenco, Daniel P
L SEMINAR Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: HC Certificate; SMS Students
P8774 001 16245 3 INTRO-SOCIOMED SCI RES ME M 4:00pm-6:50pm LL103 Armand Hammer Karelas, Gregory D
L INDEPEND Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Permissions: SMS Students ONLY
P8774 002 16246 3 INTRO-SOCIOMED SCI RES ME W 4:00pm-6:50pm 532AB ROSENFIELD B Adkins-Jackson, Paris
L INDEPEND Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Permissions: SMS Students ONLY
P8786 001 16247 3 ETHNOGRAPHIC MTHDS/HLTH R R 8:30am-11:20am 923 ROSENFIELD B Hopper, Kim J
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: SMS MS, PhD, MPH; PHRM Certificate
P8792 001 16249 3 DISSEMINATION/IMPLEMENTAT W 1:00pm-3:50pm 532B ROSENFIELD B Lovero, Kathryn
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: SMS MS, PhD, MPH YR2
P8794 001 16250 3 SOCIETY,HLTH EQUITY&HLTH W 1:00pm-3:50pm To be announced Schiavo, Renata
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Permissions: SMS MS, MPH
P8795 001 16251 3 NEW MEDIA AND HEALTH F 8:30am-11:20am 532AB ROSENFIELD B Schmid, Carina
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: HC Certificate; SMS Students
P8798 001 20191 1 SEM IN RESEARCH & PROF DE W 1:00pm-2:20pm 923 ROSENFIELD B Wingood, Gina M
L SEMINAR Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Permissions: T32 Doctoral Fellows
P8901 D01 16252 0.5 Sem in Health Communicati R 10:00am-11:20a To be announced Wingood, Gina M
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Meets 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, and 2/20 / Priorities: HC YR1
P8901 D02 16253 0.5 Sem in Health Communicati W 10:00am-11:20a To be announced Wingood, Gina M
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Meets 3/26, 4/2, 4/9, and 4/16 / Priorities: SMS Students
P8904 001 16254 3 HOMELESSNESS PUB HLTH POL T 1:00pm-3:50pm 532B ROSENFIELD B Hopper, Kim J
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: SMS Students
P8906 001 16255 1.5 COMMUNICATING HEALTH RISK F 1:00pm-3:50pm 532B ROSENFIELD B Schmid, Carina
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: HC Certificate; SMS Students
P8912 001 16256 3 SMS Applied Qual Rsrch Me R 1:00pm-3:50pm 532A ROSENFIELD B Paine, Emily
L LECTURE Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Priorities: SMS Students
P9741 001 16257 4 Encounters with Nature T 10:10am-12:00p To be announced Sivaramakrishnan, Kavita
L SEMINAR Sociomedical Sciences
Note: Location: Morningside Campus Fayerweather 301M; Priorities:
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