Subject Listing: School of International & Public Affairs Courses in the Spring 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

U0045  001  11229        0  PD/Internship Requirement                                              Heenehan, Meg
                  ADVANCED  International and Public Affai                                         
U4010  001  11237        0  Excel Fundamentals              SU 10:00am-5:00p  404 International A  Saverance, Kenyon S
            L     LABORATO  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Spring 2024 Course Dates: Jan 27 & 28
U4011  001  11238        0  Advanced Techniques in Excel    M 11:00am-12:50p  510A International   Saverance, Kenyon S
            L     LABORATO  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Spring 2024 Course Dates: Jan 29 - Mar 4
U4012  001  11239        0  Financial Modeling in Excel     S 10:15am-6:00pm  510A International   Saverance, Kenyon S
            L     LABORATO  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Spring 2024 Course Date: March 2
U4040  001  17043      0.2  Professional Profile            W 2:10pm-4:00pm   407 International A  Heyman, Joanne L
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Spring 2024 Course Dates: Feb 14 & 21. US & Domestic Student
U4040  002  17044      0.2  Professional Profile-Intl       F 9:00am-10:50am  411 International A  Sajwani, Sadaf G
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Spring 2024 Course Dates: Feb 2 & 9. International Students.
U4041  001  17046      0.2  Global Workplace                F 9:00am-10:50am  411 International A  Odom, Tanya
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Spring 2024 Course Dates: Mar 1
U4042  001  17047      0.2  Public Speaking at Work         W 4:10pm-6:00pm   410 International A  Spielman, Matthew
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Spring 2024 Course Dates: Feb 14
U4043  001  17048      0.2  Negotiation in Workplace        T 6:10pm-8:00pm   404 International A  Heyman, Joanne L
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Spring 2024 Course Dates: Feb 20
U4045  001  17050      0.2  MBTI Comm & Teamwork            W 4:10pm-6:00pm   410 International A  Caplan, Jodi L
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Spring 2024 Course Dates: Feb 28
U6003  001  10462        3  Analysis of Public Sector Orgs  W 11:00am-12:50p  405 International A  Ting, Michael
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6003  R01  10463        0  Analysis of Public Sector Orgs  M 9:00am-10:50am  405 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6005  001  10464        3  Effective Mgmt in the Pub Serv  M 6:10pm-8:00pm   413 International A  Eimicke, William B
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6005  R01  10465        0  Effective Mgmt in the Pub Serv  M 8:10pm-10:00pm  413 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6011  001  10466        3  Strategic Mgmt- Nonprofit Orgs  W 6:10pm-8:00pm   410 International A  Bagley, Gary
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6011  R01  10467        0  Strategic Mgmt- Nonprofit Orgs  R 2:10pm-4:00pm   410 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6015  001  10468        3  Sustainability Management       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   407 International A  Cohen, Steven
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6016  001  10876        3  Leading & Managing              T 9:00am-10:50am  407 International A  Samuels, Kirsti
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6016  R01  15494        0  Leading & Managing              M 1:00pm-2:00pm   501A International   
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6016  R02  15495        0  Leading & Managing              M 5:00pm-6:00pm   403 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6200  001  10877        3  Accounting                      W 1:10pm-4:00pm   403 International A  Bartczak, Norman
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: MIA & MPA Registration Priortiy
U6200  002  10878        3  Accounting                      W 6:10pm-9:00pm   403 International A  Bartczak, Norman
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: MIA & MPA Registration Priority
U6200  R01  14316        0  Accounting                      F 1:00pm-2:50pm   410 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6200  R02  14317        3  Accounting                      F 9:00am-10:50am  410 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6301  001  10281        3  Macroeconomics                  MW 9:15am-10:45a  410 International A  Davitaya, Martsella
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6301  002  10282        3  Macroeconomics                  MW 11:00am-12:30  410 International A  Davitaya, Martsella
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6301  003  10283        3  Macroeconomics                  TR 9:15am-10:45a  403 International A  Davitaya, Martsella
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6301  004  10284        3  Macroeconomics                  TR 11:00am-12:30  411 International A  Davitaya, Martsella
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6301  005  10285        3  Macroeconomics                  MW 2:15pm-3:45pm  410 International A  Benediktsdottir, Sigridur
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6301  R01  14306        0  Macroeconomics                  R 1:00pm-2:30pm   403 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6301  R02  14307        0  Macroeconomics                  R 2:45pm-4:15pm   403 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6301  R03  14308        0  Macroeconomics                  R 4:30pm-6:00pm   403 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6301  R04  14309        0  Macroeconomics                  R 6:15pm-7:45pm   403 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6301  R05  14310        0  Macroeconomics                  F 9:15am-10:45am  403 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6301  R06  14311        0  Macroeconomics                  R 9:15am-10:45am  501B International   
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6301  R07  14312        0  Macroeconomics                  F 12:45pm-2:15pm  403 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6301  R08  14313        0  Macroeconomics                  F 2:30pm-4:00pm   403 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6301  R09  14314        0  Macroeconomics                  R 11:00am-12:30p  403 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6301  R10  14315        0  Macroeconomics                  R 4:15pm-5:45pm   405 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6310  001  10488        3  Nonprofit Financial Management  T 4:10pm-6:00pm   413 International A  Rosenblatt, Lawrence S
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6310  R01  14185        0  Nonprofit Financial Management  WF 1:00pm-2:00pm  411 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6320  001  10472        3  Budgeting & Fin Mgmt for Govt   R 4:10pm-6:00pm   407 International A  Liu, John
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6320  R01  10473        0  Budgeting & Fin Mgmt for Govt   F 11:00am-12:50p  410 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U6401  001  10474        3  Macroeconomic Analysis          MW 9:15am-10:45a  411 International A  Cirelli, Fernando
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6401  002  10475        3  Macroeconomic Analysis          MW 11:00am-12:30  411 International A  Cirelli, Fernando
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6401  003  10476        3  Macroeconomic Analysis          TR 9:15am-10:45a  413 International A  Bubula, Andrea
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6401  004  10477        3  Macroeconomic Analysis          TR 11:00am-12:30  413 International A  Bubula, Andrea
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6401  005  10478        3  Macroeconomic Analysis          TR 2:15pm-3:45pm  413 International A  Bubula, Andrea
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6401  R01  14327        0  Macroeconomic Analysis          R 11:00am-12:30p  410 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation - Cirelli
U6401  R02  14328        0  Macroeconomic Analysis          R 1:00pm-2:30pm   411 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation - Cirelli
U6401  R03  14329        0  Macroeconomic Analysis          R 2:45pm-4:15pm   411 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation - Cirelli
U6401  R04  14330        0  Macroeconomic Analysis          F 9:15am-10:45am  140 Uris Hall        
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation - Cirelli
U6401  R05  14331        0  Macroeconomic Analysis          R 6:15pm-7:45pm   411 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation - Bubula
U6401  R06  14332        0  Macroeconomic Analysis          F 9:15am-10:45am  413 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation - Bubula
U6401  R07  14333        0  Macroeconomic Analysis          F 11:00am-12:30p  413 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation - Bubula
U6401  R08  14334        0  Macroeconomic Analysis          F 1:00pm-2:30pm   413 International A  
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation - Bubula
U6401  R09  14335        0  Macroeconomic Analysis          R 2:15pm-3:45pm   140 Uris Hall        
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation - Bubula
U6401  R10  14336        0  Macroeconomic Analysis          R 4:15pm-5:45pm   303 Uris Hall        
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation - Bubula
U6500  001  10479        3  Quantitative Analysis I         M 11:00am-12:50p  413 International A  Cojoc, Doru
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6500  002  10480        3  Quantitative Analysis I         M 2:10pm-4:00pm   413 International A  Cojoc, Doru
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6500  003  10481        3  Quantitative Analysis I         M 4:10pm-6:00pm   413 International A  Cojoc, Doru
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U6500  R01  14260        0  Quantitative Analysis I         T 9:00am-10:50am  510A International   
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai  T 4:10pm-6:00pm   510A International   
                            Note: Recitation/Cojoc
U6500  R02  14261        0  Quantitative Analysis I         W 9:00am-10:50am  510A International   
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai  W 11:00am-12:50p  510A International   
                            Note: Recitation/Cojoc
U6500  R03  14262        0  Quantitative Analysis I         W 2:10pm-4:00pm   510A International   
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai  W 6:10pm-8:00pm   510A International   
                            Note: Recitation/Cojoc
U6501  001  10482        3  Quantitative Analysis II        T 11:00am-12:50p  405 International A  Yang, Alan S
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Pre-req: SIPA U6500
U6501  002  10483        3  Quantitative Analysis II        T 2:10pm-4:00pm   405 International A  Yang, Alan S
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Pre-req: SIPA U6500
U6501  003  10484        3  Quantitative Analysis II        W 2:10pm-4:00pm   413 International A  Yang, Alan S
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Pre-req: SIPA U6500
U6501  004  10485        3  Quantitative Analysis II        W 9:00am-10:50am  413 International A  Pop-Eleches, Cristian
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Pre-req: SIPA U6500
U6501  005  10486        3  Quantitative Analysis II        W 11:00am-12:50p  413 International A  Pop-Eleches, Cristian
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Pre-req: SIPA U6500
U6501  R01  14255        0  Quantitative Analysis II        R 9:00am-10:50am  510A International   
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai  R 4:10pm-6:00pm   510A International   
                            Note: Recitation/Yang
U6501  R02  14256        0  Quantitative Analysis II        R 6:10pm-8:00pm   510A International   
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai  F 9:00am-10:50am  510A International   
                            Note: Recitation/Yang
U6501  R03  14257        0  Quantitative Analysis II        F 11:00am-12:50p  510A International   
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai  F 1:00pm-2:50pm   510A International   
                            Note: Recitation/Yang
U6501  R04  14258        0  Quantitative Analysis II        M 9:00am-10:50am  510A International   
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai  M 2:10pm-4:00pm   510A International   
                            Note: Recitation/Pop-Eleches
U6501  R05  14259        0  Quantitative Analysis II        M 4:10pm-6:00pm   510A International   
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai  M 6:10pm-8:00pm   510A International   
                            Note: Recitation/Pop-Eleches
U8500  001  10353        3  Quant Methods in Program Eval   W 11:00am-12:50p  501B International   Yang, Alan S
            L      SEMINAR  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Pre-req: SIPAU6501. DAQA Priority Reg.
U9000  001  10381        3  Capstone Workshop               M 11:00am-12:50p  823 International A  Sotelino, Fernando
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  002  10382        3  Capstone Workshop               T 11:00am-12:50p  405A International   Greene, Michelle
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  003  10383        3  Capstone Workshop               M 4:10pm-6:00pm   405A International   Waldman, Daniel J
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  004  10384        3  Capstone Workshop               F 2:10pm-4:00pm   823 International A  Reames, Benjamin N
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  005  10385        3  Capstone Workshop               F 11:00am-12:50p  823 International A  Janow, Merit E
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  006  10386        3  Capstone Workshop               W 2:10pm-4:00pm   418 International A  Mann, Linda
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  007  10387        3  Capstone Workshop               R 2:10pm-4:00pm   501 International A  Pan, Jack
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  008  10388        3  Capstone Workshop               T 4:10pm-6:00pm   405A International   Kopech, Robert
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  009  10389        3  Capstone Workshop               F 2:10pm-4:00pm   501A International   Delalex, Isabelle Marie  F
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  010  10390        3  Capstone Workshop               T 11:00am-12:50p  418 International A  Capilouto, Christine
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  011  10391        3  Capstone Workshop               T 2:10pm-4:00pm   823 International A  Radon, Jenik
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  012  10460        3  Capstone Workshop               R 2:10pm-4:00pm   823 International A  Radon, Jenik
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  013  10392        3  Capstone Workshop               W 6:10pm-8:00pm   405A International   Achuthan, Mahima
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  014  10393        3  Capstone Workshop               T 9:00am-10:50am  501A International   Capilouto, Christine
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  015  10395        3  Capstone Workshop               F 2:10pm-4:00pm   501 International A  Morris, Ellen
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         Gulick, Rhiannon N
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  016  10394        3  Capstone Workshop               R 9:00am-10:50am  823 International A  O'Cleireacain, Carol
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  017  10396        3  Capstone Workshop               R 4:10pm-6:00pm   823 International A  Hollmann, Suzanne
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  018  10397        3  Capstone Workshop               T 9:00am-10:50am  823 International A  Zarrilli, Daniel A
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  019  10398        3  Capstone Workshop               M 2:10pm-4:00pm   823 International A  Mitchell, Lincoln A
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  020  10399        3  Capstone Workshop               R 11:00am-12:50p  823 International A  Osgood, Daniel
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  021  10400        3  Capstone Workshop               R 11:00am-12:50p  418 International A  Goulding, A.J.
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  022  10401        3  Capstone Workshop               R 4:10pm-6:00pm   418 International A  Goulding, A.J.
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  023  10402        3  Capstone Workshop               W 11:00am-12:50p  405A International   Younes, Kristele
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  024  10403        3  Capstone Workshop               R 6:10pm-8:00pm   823 International A  Meyer, Tim
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  025  10404        3  Capstone Workshop               T 4:10pm-6:00pm   823 International A  Cartier, Elizabeth
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  027  10406        3  Capstone Workshop               M 9:00am-10:50am  823 International A  Collins, Nancy W
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  028  10407        3  Capstone Workshop               R 11:00am-12:50p  405A International   Boehmer, Hans M
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  029  10408        3  Capstone Workshop               R 2:10pm-4:00pm   405A International   Boehmer, Hans M
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  030  10409        3  Capstone Workshop               F 11:00am-12:50p  405A International   Fox, Jeanne
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  031  10410        3  Capstone Workshop               F 2:10pm-4:00pm   405A International   Fox, Jeanne
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  032  10411        3  Capstone Workshop               T 2:10pm-4:00pm   405A International   Mukwana, Ruth
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  033  10412        3  Capstone Workshop               M 6:10pm-8:00pm   418 International A  Pincus, Judith
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  034  10413        3  Capstone Workshop               M 2:10pm-4:00pm   418 International A  Madden, Daniel F Jr.
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  035  10414        3  Capstone Workshop               T 11:00am-12:50p  501 International A  Acikgoz, Gizem
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  036  10415        3  Capstone Workshop               M 4:10pm-6:00pm   501B International   Quaranta, Thomas
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  037  10416        3  Capstone Workshop               T 9:00am-10:50am  405A International   Dyott, Ingrid S
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  038  10417        3  Capstone Workshop               R 9:00am-10:50am  405A International   Chemali, Hagar Hajjar
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  040  10419        3  Capstone Workshop               F 9:00am-10:50am  418 International A  Machado, Mariela J
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  041  10420        3  Capstone Workshop               T 4:10pm-6:00pm   418 International A  Costigan, Elen C
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  042  10421        3  Capstone Workshop               F 11:00am-12:50p  418 International A  McKenzie, Robert
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  043  10422        3  Capstone Workshop               W 9:00am-10:50am  405A International   Perez, Laura
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  044  10423        3  Capstone Workshop               M 4:10pm-6:00pm   418 International A  Stabile, Nicholas
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  045  10424        3  Capstone Workshop               T 2:10pm-4:00pm   418 International A  Mesa, Nilda
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  046  10425        3  Capstone Workshop               M 4:10pm-6:00pm   823 International A  Jacquand, Marc
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  047  10426        3  Capstone Workshop               W 2:10pm-4:00pm   405A International   Younes, Kristele
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  048  10427        3  Capstone Workshop               R 4:10pm-6:00pm   405A International   Hammonds, D. Holly
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  049  10428        3  Capstone Workshop               W 11:00am-12:50p  823 International A  Schiffrin, Anya Maria C
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  050  10429        3  Capstone Workshop               R 6:10pm-8:00pm   418 International A  Rosen, Daniel
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  051  10430        3  Capstone Workshop               T 9:00am-10:50am  501 International A  Pfeifer, Joseph
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  052  10431        3  Capstone Workshop               F 9:00am-10:50am  501 International A  Busch, Damian
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  054  10433        3  Capstone Workshop               F 9:00am-10:50am  823 International A  Hakim, Ryan S
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  055  10434        3  Capstone Workshop               R 11:00am-12:50p  501 International A  Chang, Eric
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  056  10435        3  Capstone Workshop               M 6:10pm-8:00pm   823 International A  Jaeger, Markus H
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  057  10436        3  Capstone Workshop               W 4:10pm-6:00pm   823 International A  Elhawary, Samir
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  058  10437        3  Capstone Workshop               F 2:10pm-4:00pm   418 International A  Byrne, Thomas
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  059  10438        3  Capstone Workshop               R 6:10pm-8:00pm   405A International   Bonfili, David V
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  060  10439        3  Capstone Workshop               T 11:00am-12:50p  823 International A  Zarrilli, Daniel A
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  061  10440        3  Capstone Workshop               M 2:10pm-4:00pm   405A International   Palacios Alzuru, Luisa
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  062  10441        3  Capstone Workshop               T 4:10pm-6:00pm   501 International A  Wolff, Evan
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  063  10442        3  Capstone Workshop               M 6:10pm-8:00pm   405A International   Heinrich, Andrew C
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  064  10443        3  Capstone Workshop               F 11:00am-12:50p  501 International A  Delalex, Isabelle Marie  F
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  065  10444        3  Capstone Workshop               F 9:00am-10:50am  405A International   Broitman, Elana
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  066  10445        3  Capstone Workshop               W 2:10pm-4:00pm   823 International A  Dobrygowski, Daniel T
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  067  10446        3  Capstone Workshop               T 9:00am-10:50am  402 International A  Stoupnitzky, Gregory
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  070  10449        3  Capstone Workshop               M 11:00am-12:50p  418 International A  Correa D'Almeida, Andre
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  071  10450        3  Capstone Workshop               T 6:10pm-8:00pm   501 International A  Schmidt, Ralph C
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  072  10451        3  Capstone Workshop               W 4:10pm-6:00pm   418 International A  McCann, Samantha M
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9000  075  10454        3  Capstone Workshop               M 11:00am-12:50p  405A International   Acero Vergel, Jose L
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  001  14108        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  F 9:00am-10:50am  402 International A  Sen, Rumela
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  002  14109        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  M 11:00am-12:50p  501 International A  Magnoni, Barbara M
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  003  14110        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  M 2:10pm-4:00pm   501 International A  Magnoni, Barbara M
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  004  14111        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  M 4:10pm-6:00pm   501 International A  Ocampo, Jose A
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  005  14112        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  M 4:10pm-6:00pm   326 International A  McGill, Eugenia
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  006  14113        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  R 4:10pm-6:00pm   501B International   Sasaki, Fumiko
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  007  14114        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  T 2:10pm-4:00pm   501 International A  Wacey Maraj, Carole
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  008  14115        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  T 4:10pm-6:00pm   501A International   Weisgrau, Maxine
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  009  14116        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  W 9:00am-10:50am  823 International A  Martin, Scott B
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  010  14117        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  W 9:00am-10:50am  823 International A  Martin, Scott B
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  011  14118        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  F 11:00am-12:50p  326 International A  Reddy, Shravanti M
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  012  14119        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  W 2:10pm-4:00pm   501B International   Radford, Tyler S
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  014  14121        3  Capstone Workshop-Dev Practice  R 9:00am-10:50am  501A International   Casazzone, Thomas
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  015  14122        3  Capstone-Sustainable Devp Prac  M 9:00am-10:50am  501A International   Jones, Debra A
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  016  14123        3  Capstone-Sustainable Devp Prac  R 11:00am-12:50p  501B International   Hammonds, D. Holly
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  017  14398        3  Capstone-Sustainable Devp Prac  T 4:10pm-6:00pm   501A International   Weisgrau, Maxine
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  018  14399        3  Capstone-Sustainable Devp Prac  R 4:10pm-6:00pm   501 International A  Noman, Akbar
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  019  14400        3  Capstone-Sustainable Devp Prac  R 6:10pm-8:00pm   501B International   Sasaki, Fumiko
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9001  020  14401        3  Capstone-Sustainable Devp Prac  F 9:00am-10:50am  501A International   Bailur, Savita
            L INS WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Application Required
U9013  001  11226      1.5  Internship 1.5-points                                                  Heenehan, Meg
                  INTERNSH  International and Public Affai                                         Caplan, Jodi L
                            Note: 1.5-points
U9013  002  11227        3  Internship 3-points                                                    Heenehan, Meg
                  INTERNSH  International and Public Affai                                         Caplan, Jodi L
                            Note: 3-points
U9013  003  11228        0  Internship 0-points                                                    Heenehan, Meg
                  INTERNSH  International and Public Affai                                         Caplan, Jodi L
                            Note: 0-points
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday